Saturday, July 25, 2020

In Vienna, Turkish Moslems Hunt Down Antifa Stronghold, Rout Antifa Gang, Who Desperately Beg the Police to Save Them! (Video)

By A.L.

N.S.: I guess the Turks ibn question aren’t Communists or anarchists, not even out of convenience.

Wien - graue Wölfe greifen Antifa Zentrum an
[Vienna: Turkish Gray Wolves Attack Antifa Stronghold]

•Jun 25, 2020

Mark Grigi
474 subscribers

seit zwei Tagen kommt es zu Auseinandersetzungen rund um das linke Zentrum Ernst Kirchweger Haus (EKH) in der Wielandgasse. Mehrere hundert Türken - graue Wölfe - sammeln sich vor dem Haus. Steine fliegen, Glas splittert, ein Brand bricht aus. Die Polizei erscheint mit einem Großaufgebot. Aus ganz Wien strömen Kurden und Antifa herbei. Der Polizei gelingt es alle Gruppen auseinanderzuhalten.

For two days, it has come to fights around the leftwing center, Ernst Kirchweger House (EKH) in the Wieland Alley. Several hundred Turks – Gray Wolves – assemble in front of the house. [Now, he switches to the passive voice.] Stones fly. Glass breaks. A fire breaks out. The police appear to have a huge challenge. Kurds and Antifa flow in from all over Vienna. The police succeed at keeping all of the groups apart.

N.S.: According to Brittany Sellner, the open borders, defund-the-police Antifa, were inside their HQ, desperately tweeting for the police to come save them from their brown pets.

I commented on the shouting young men, that they were all unintelligible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gray Wolves have origins in NATO Gladio stay-behind Cold War quasi-mnilitary units. Wage guerrila warfare in case of Soviet invasion.

The man who shot John Paul II was a member of Gray Wolves.