Sunday, July 19, 2020

"I'm disappointed" | After 50 Years of Supporting Savage Violence, Mayor Young, City Leaders React to Recent Uptick in Baltimore

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Sun, Jul 19, 2020 3:16 p.m.

"I'm disappointed" | Mayor Young, City Leaders React to Recent Violence in Baltimore

Mayor Young called the uptick in violence over the past three days troubling.

"We're talking about Black Lives Matter," Young said. "Then we need to act like the black murders in the city matter as well."

PGCE-P: Say, if hizzoner would channel Robert E. Lee then he might have a solution at hand.

Just sayin’….

If they didn't find the violence over the past 50 years insane, and refused to do anything about it, why would they be bothered by the recent uptick?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As far as I can tell,there are four responses given by lying liberal politicians--usually depending on the city's history of murders up to that point:
Early on:"This is not who we are,this is an anomoly."
Later,as murders become more frequent:"We are still well below the numbers during the drug wars of the 90s.We're making progress--we have meetings set up with the community leaders(blacks)to address the violence."
Even later,as it gets out of control:"We must stop these shootings."
Later still:"I'm disappointed,but we're not giving up"
The finale is,if a black mayor is in office,by now,enough time has passed for them to be indicted for corruption and removed.
If a White person is the mayor,he gets voted out and replaced by a black.