Sunday, July 19, 2020

Breaking News Alert: antifa Militants and black lives matter Rioters are Breaking into Amazon Go Downtown Seattle

By R.C.
Sun, Jul 19, 2020 7:27 p.m.

NOW: antifa Militants and black lives matter Rioters are Breaking into Amazon Go Downtown Seattle. This protest has turned into a riot. #SeattleProtest #AntifaDomesticTerrorists #seattleriots #BlackLivesMatter

R.C.: Hysterical!

Major a--hole Jeff Bezos gave tens of millions of dollars to DACA recipients.  

Plus, his current paramour is some Mexican affirmative action parasite.  

Her former job was as a "journalist" for some California TV station.

Third generation Mexican-American?

I hope those folks in Seattle burn down Amazon's headquarters.

Racist a--hole Jeff Bezos.

One last thing.

Jeff's girlfriend's pneumatic chest is about the only thing going for her.

N.S.: She has a pretty face, too, but it's probably as fake as her boobs, butt, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seattle all major businesses eventually gone I suspect. They will find greener pastures.