Friday, July 24, 2020

As Demand for DIY, Serial Number-Less "ghost guns" Rises, so Does Demand for Tougher Laws

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Thu, Jul 23, 2020 10:42 p.m.

"As Demand for DIY, Serial Number-Less 'ghost guns' Rises, so Does Demand for Tougher Laws"

PGCE-P: Why are the folks in Bozeman, Boise and Cheyenne not worried about so-called ghost guns?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ghost guns already made illegal by the DemonRat statists running Washington State. Note that DemonRats have gained control of Washington State because the formerly Republican Eastside (east of Lake Washington) is now DemonRat country thanks to all the immigrants who moved in. Virtually every type of immigrant--Chinese, Indian, etc. become DemonRat voters. They don't understand our Constitution, they don't understand the value of liberty, they don't understand American history--they just want the government to give them things and the hell with freedom. We need a moratorium on all immigration and visa workers now or the country we grew up with is gone forever.