Sunday, July 19, 2020

Arrested (and Released) Woman Paints Over TWO More black lives matter Murals in NYC

By R.C.
Sun, Jul 19, 2020 10:18 a.m.

Arrested Woman Paints over TWO More black lives matter Murals in NYC


HERO: Bevelyn Beatty Paints Over TWO More Black Lives Matter Murals Hours After Being Released By NYPD

By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published July 19, 2020 at 5:09am

After being arrested on Saturday afternoon for painting over the state-sanctioned Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower in New York City, Bevelyn Beatty and her friends made late night visits to paint over the street lettering in Brooklyn and Harlem.

The intensely brave women did not back down when confronted by people who were hostile to their efforts.
Just hours after being released, the women were right back at it, first visiting the mural in Harlem with black war paint smeared across their cheeks.
The women moved the gates surrounding it, sat in the back of their open hatchback, and dumped black paint while the cars behind them were forced to drive through it and inadvertently help them paint.
"Bevelyn and Edmee are officially released from the NYPD. They are doing wonderful and thank each and every one of you for your overwhelmingly incredible support and prayers!" Beatty said in a statement posted to Facebook approximately two hours before they began painting in Harlem.
Next, the women stopped by the state-sanctioned vandalism in Brooklyn for another "drive by" painting.
"The police need our help. They can't stand alone. Don't just sit by idly and let your country go to the ground," Beatty said before urging people to vote for President Donald Trump's reelection and Christians.
"We are taking our country back NOW!" the group repeatedly asserted.
"Stand up Christians," Beatty urged during the livestream.
Earlier in the day, the crew of Jesus-loving women made waves when they painted over the one outside Trump Tower in broad daylight. They received some criticism over the fact that one of the officers slipped and fell in the paint, but he is reportedly doing okay.

While they were detained, Bevelyn and Edmee were treated like royalty! This was the BEST experience they have ever had with any police department," the statement on Beatty's Facebook page continued. "During their time with the NYPD, the Lord moved mightily. The police expressed their HIGH APPRECIATION for what Bevelyn and Edmee stood up for today. They expressed their concerns and fears for their city. They are in fear for the sake of NYC and voiced that they need MORE people like them to help and stand up for what is RIGHT! They even asked for PRAYER!!"
Beatty is the co-founder of At Well Ministries and can be found on Facebook here.


Anonymous said...

Now SHE'S an anomaly.

Anonymous said...

More of it. Much more.