Wednesday, June 17, 2020

More Raceless “Teens” Charged with Capital Murder in Connection to Leslie Squair Baker’s Killing

By Stan d Mute
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 5:29:00 A.M. EDT

Pics of the orcs.

Stan d Mute

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Antony Isaiah Taylor, 18, and DENG CHEN Ajack, 19, admitted their involvement in the crime to detectives.'
'Deng Chen' Ajack? Who the hell was 'Deng Chen' to the 'Ajack' famnily?
Some Chinese gang leader in some goofball 'Fists of Fury'/'Shoot-em-Up' retake that his mother was enamored with after watching one night while pregnant?

Some press-trademarked pablum automatically added to the story:

'It’s just not fair when someone so awesome and amazing is taken so tragically.” No shit.
'The homicide left Baker’s friends and neighbors, some who heard as many as six gunshots — BAFFLED.'
Next to 'police report that the attack/assault/murder was random', this is the greatest almost universally reported lie in what passes for 'the press' today.

If you saw these two 'people' walking up on you - anyplace, anywhere - what normal person would not be on immediate alert of 'impending ill intent'?
Perhaps only someone with profound autism or any other affective psychiatric disorder.

Cue up: 'they were just good local boys', 'now their lives are destroyed', yadda, yadda, yadda - you will never here another word about this woman, or the 'boys' again.