Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Fear in Politics

By David in TN
Wed, Jun 17, 2020 2:22 p.m.

"Fear in Politics" - Frontpagemag

David in TN: Here is an article on the current Morality Play by one of your "sons," Jack Kerwick. He calls Virtue Signaling "Vice Signaling." Kerwick writes that Fear is the main motivator for white liberals and "conservatives."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not have a fear of any minorities that moved into the neighborhood 5 -7 years ago--and there were some lulus.Two black families(if you could call them that)who were filthy and lazy and a Mex family--filthy and violent.
Through hard work,persistence,ingenuity and a little luck,I got all three groups of lowlifes evicted.The area is much improved on my block--thanks to me in large part.
I used to live in an apartment complex years ago.When I moved in,the place was 95% white tenants.Six apartments to a building,probably 20 buildings over a 2 block long distance.
The blacks started coming fairly quickly.One brood moved in the apartment under me,playing loud loud music.I went down there and said,"I work nights and need to sleep,how about less volume with the music?"
The nig said,"Don't you come down here again or we'll f**k you up."
So I went to the apartment manager after that,taping the loud music on a cassette recorder.That's not what got rid of them--this was:
Before they left,I found out,these 6 blacks didn't have a strong desire to take their trash out to the container--located about 100 feet from the front door.One day I looked out the window and saw an Orkin truck in the parking lot.
" Hmmm,"I wondered to myself,"what are they doing here?"Turned out,it was time for the yearly spraying.Orkin went downstairs first--I walked into my living room and hopped on the couch to watch TV.
As I sat there,I noticed something moving behind my TV--on the wall;Cockroaches...first a few,then hundreds and hundreds,of all shapes and sizes,poured out of the apartment below,trying to escape the roach spray.They filled the wall so densely,as they stampeded upwards,that you couldn't even SEE the wall--and they proceeded through the ceiling and into the upper apartment.It lasted for a few minutes,after which I called the manager.They sent someone over.
Turns out the grubby,disgusting,unsanitary blacks had hundreds of bags of garbage in the apartment,stacked up to the ceiling.They were immediately evicted.
The point is,I didn't have a fear,I was just disgusted by how they acted.WHO would WANT to live near these types of people? Life experiences taught me--not I.
--GR Anonymous--I'm a white survivalist