Thursday, March 05, 2020

Zebra-Style Racist Killer-Rapist is Coming Up for Parole--Again

By A.L.
Thu, Mar 5, 2020 8:13 a.m.

This sounds like Zebra stuff to me. During the same time period.

Family of Brutally Murdered [White] Portrero Hill Man Pleads to Keep [Black] Killer Without Parole
black suspectblack suspect

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — Next month, a man convicted of a heinous murder more than 40 years ago will be eligible for parole. But the victim's family says the mere possibility that could happen is a miscarriage of justice that has victimized the family for decades.

25-year-old Frank Carlson was with his wife Annette in their small house in Portrero Hill in San Francisco when an intruder broke in, tied him to a chair and beat him to death with a hammer and a wooden cutting board.

N.S.: What I don't understand is how a court could eliminate justice, and then, after the court's anti-justice position was struck down, say you can't go back to justice.


Anonymous said...

He not only killed during the crime but raped as well. That makes the whole thing an egregious offense normally warranting the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

On one of the justice blogs I found this about Angelo Pavageau."Pavageau has fathered two children through the system’s conjugal visit program, earned a degree from the College of Marin, and received $400 a month in veteran’s education benefits." I guess this is California justice.