Thursday, March 05, 2020

Trash Talk: A White is Condemned for Saying Blacks’ Favorite Phrase

By Nicholas Stix (Via a Colleague)

After a basketball game the other night pitting the Tennessee Vols against the Kentucky Wildcats, some racist black trash (Tennessee Vols fan) was a sore winner, and did everything he could to provoke white Kentucky Wildcat fans. He succeeded in getting exactly the response he sought. And then, hypocrite that he is, he condemned his target, instead of thanking her.

Anyone who condemns the white Kentucky fan without condemning the black Vols fan is as phony as a three-dollar bill, and a racist.

But don’t get me wrong. I am not turning this into moral equivalency. It was the racist black fan, who was in the wrong. He started it.

The Wildcats fan was guilty only of lowering herself to the black trash’s level. It was imprudent and unnecessary for her to apologize for her response.

That whites are piling on the white Kentucky fan shows them to be rank opportunists, cowards, and racists, supporting the trash’s black skin privilege.

Whites need to learn to stop apologizing.

A colleague remarks:

“Why does the video only begin with her remarks? I wonder what vulgarities the ‘Vols fan’ had been hurling her way...Of course, that doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is that she and her family lose their right to make a living and as someone suggested—no ‘further medical treatment for her brain cancer.’”

After all, doesn’t she know Caucasian Americans no longer have Freedom of Speech.

• Bill • 19 hours ago
“No place for racist remarks. Apology only after video goes viral...sad. Fan lady welcome to Bill's auditorium you have earned bozo for for 2 weeks wear it proud because it's an honor I only give to a certain few.......”

jiimy B. • 19 hours ago
“Jim Crow is alive in certain areas of this country, and not only is it a shame, it is disgusting!
I would like to see her parents interviewed, and ask them how they raised such a fine daughter, and do they talk like that at home in front of the TV?”

Nicholas Stix jiimy B. • a few seconds ago
Jim Crow, or Jim Snow?

Hengst jiimy B. • 13 hours ago
“Ok Jiimy. Don't put all of us southern deplorables in one basket. What you say is true but most of us down south find it disgusting as well. This chick should be shamed beyond description but please understand the daily struggle in the old south as we try to preach tolerance and acceptance. Mr Brown will prolly have my soap box confiscated. Let's talk sports, shall we?”


Anonymous said...

Do whites,who condemn other whites for speaking the truth about black behavior,think they're superior to the whitey that used the "n" word?
Everytime you betray your own race and choose blackie's side in these situations,you put one more nail into the extinction of whites.If we don't look after our own--who will?
I'll tell you who won't--the blacks.
Whites better start learning quickly what's happening out there.

Anonymous said...

Right. Blacks on the court or field engage in vile trash talk about whitey all the time. It is excused as being part of their culture. They are just bad folks.