Sunday, March 08, 2020

Headline in Sunday's WashPost: "Efforts to Contain Coronavirus Appear to Falter"

By "W"

At The Post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember a couple months ago,I said that the globalists would find a way to bring the stock market down in 2020--to hurt Trump?
The coronavirus may be the excuse needed to carry out such a plan.Tomorrow will either be a crash,reminiscent of 1987,or a Fed inspired comeback to save the day.I'm not sure if the Federal Reserve is behind Trump on this one.They're probably 90 % swamp rats and will gleefully watch as pensions and middle class stock funds get decimated as much as Trump's popularity will be destroyed--a small price to pay to get rid of Trump.
How this plays out the next two days(there could also be a "Turnaround Tuesday" situation,where stocks rally Tuesday,almost as much as they drop tomorrow).
I look for a price objective of 2500 on the S&P--this month--a rally,and then depending on the severity of the pandemic,a retest of 2500(which may or may not hold).
The market is taking the COVID-19 seriously now--as should we all.The article I posted a couple days ago,predicted full hospital beds by May 8th throughout the country.It's hard to believe,but the markets are discounting something horrific is in the near future.
We'll see how this plays out.