Sunday, March 08, 2020

"...although totally repressed by our race-denying Ruling Class—did you know that Kirkland WA, where the bulk of U.S. deaths have occurred, was 11.3% Asian in the 2010 census?"

By R.C.
Sun, Mar 8, 2020 9:36 p.m.

"...although totally repressed by our race-denying Ruling Class—did you know that Kirkland WA, where the bulk of U.S. deaths have occurred, was 11.3% Asian in the 2010 census?"

R.,C.: A few days ago I looked at three or four news sites from Seattle, including The Seattle Times.

As of mid-week last week, not one of the sites had identified any of the Kirkland victims.  Not one.

So, who knows who died in Kirkland.


Anonymous said...

GRA:Last week I posted the X
ZH/VDare report on the coronavirus and its choice of victims by race.Here's more:
(FOX NEWS)CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Rates of prostate cancer have long been higher among African American men than white men, and new artificial intelligence research from a biomedical engineering professor at Case Western Reserve University could help tailor treatment to account for cellular differences between black and white prostate cancer patients.

"We've always tended to look at the tumor,” said Anant Madabhushi, a biomedical engineering professor at Case Western Reserve University and research scientist at Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. “We've always thought that's where the money is."

prostate cancer racial differences
Mike Harris
PHOTO: Anant Madabhushi is a professor of biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve University.
In newly-published research, Madabhushi and other researchers used artificial intelligence to look at slides of cell tissue, focusing on the tissue outside the tumor.

“One of the big questions that we’ve been looking at is trying to understand whether men who have had surgery for prostate cancer need additional treatment following the surgery,” Madabhushi said.

Outside the tumor is where the researchers found cellular differences.

"The appearance of the disease is actually different between black men and white men,” Madabhushi said.

For most men, prostate removal gets rid of the cancer, but Madabhushi said for about 20 percent, that may not work. Those men “might have metastasis, might have spread of the disease." He said black men not only get prostate cancer at higher rates, but their cases are often more aggressive as well.

His research could help create different models for black patients and white patients, using each to figure out who might see a recurrence of prostate cancer or whose cancer might be more aggressive, without basing it all on a model of white patients.
GRA:If various diseases seem to prefer one race or another to attack,doesn't that indicate a difference in the races,by that factor alone?
That brings into focus other aspects of racial differences--behavior,intelligence etc.When something,as unbiased and unmotivated by race as a a disease,decides that "not all races are created equal"--we should listen.

Anonymous said...

I have seen faces and some names of some people who died from the Kirkland home and not one was Asian. And one of the people who died who wasn't in the home was a 40-year-old white man who worked in construction. So if anyone thinks that he is safe because only Asians catch and die from the Wuhan virus--he is fooling himself. If 11.3% of people in Kirkland are Asian, that has nothing to do with the outbreak and is an attempt to suggest that those dying are Asian. Nearly all the deaths have occurred among inhabitants of an single retirement home and if you look at the news showing gatherings of people concerned about their relatives in the home, every one of them was white. I have been in many retirement homes--including one that was Japanese. Few Asians live in white retirement homes--there are homes that are all Asian. The home in question is not an Asian home. So lets keep VDare and NSU accurate and trustworthy--there is enough fake news on the other side.