Thursday, October 10, 2019

Arizona Elected Official Allegedly Smuggled 40 Preggy Women into Three States from the Marshall Islands

By A Texas Reader
Wed, Oct 9, 2019 10:44 p.m.

An Arizona elected official is facing dozens of charges in three states in connection with a multimillion-dollar adoption scheme in which he allegedly smuggled more than 40 women into the U.S. from the Marshall Islands, promising them money in exchange fo

Should have hit up Warren Jeffs for some spare offspring.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The media is so desperate to keep #MeToo hoax culture alive it's giving this Matt Lauer story blanket attention:

I had to read this part twice to be sure I wasn't hallucinating but here is an excerpt from the article:

Nevils says in the book that she had more sexual encounters (after being anally raped by him) with Lauer back in New York City, according to Variety, telling Farrow: “It was completely transactional. It was not a relationship.”

Yes, his victim, Brook Nevils, was so traumatized she had "more" sexual encounters with Lauer! Though she qualified them as being "transactional", you know, a euphemism for prostitution. Of course, begs the question: Why would she engage even in "transactional" sexual encounters with a man who anally raped her?

Yes, I can hear the howls of the feminists now: You don't understand the psychology of an abused woman! Maybe not, but I do understand the concepts of free choice and basic personal responsibility.

I hate to be defending Lauer, never liked the guy and I do think he was probably acting like an out of control oversexed swine but I'm not going to accept every one of these absurd #MeToo accusations they constantly try to shove down our throats.

Anonymous said...

Birthright tourism? I hope the guy made the women pay up dearly. He is going to prison for a long time too I hope.