Thursday, June 20, 2019

What Would Fred Reed Say? Sacramento PD Has Id'd Suspect in Murder of Officer Tara O’Sullivan as Adel Sambrano Ramos, 45

By R.C.
Thu, Jun 20, 2019 10:11 p.m.

R.C.: What would Fred Reed say about him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

~ 40 years ago - in most anyplace in the US - if a police officer saw a man like this - with such a crazed 'blood in the eyes' look - walking down the street, he would have stopped him, pulled him off the street, and at a minimum asked to see his ID.
He would do so in the confidence that his policing judgement and his 'criminal intuition' were intact, correct and protected - that even if wrong, his career - and life - wouldn't be destroyed.

Today the animal in this photo not only was able to terrorize his neighbors - accumulating a long violent rap sheet - for ~ 20 yrs - he knew his 'lifestyle' was protected, that he could pretty much do as he wished - unmolested.

The latest white sacrificial offering - only 26 yrs old - certainly didn't have her gun drawn as she entered his residence, nor likely did her colleagues: that would have been a 'racist' presumption that the perp had 'violent intent'.

Kudos to the Sacramento 'SWAT' team and their crack training, that they allowed this girl to lie unattended for 45 mins after being shot, so by the time they sent in a damn 'robot', she had long-since bled out.

Your experienced cop of 1970 - anywhere - had no illusions about what he was dealing with, and would never have allowed a colleague to die like a dog, alone and unavenged.
What would have been left of 'Ramos' would have had to have been cleaned-up with a shovel.