Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Hillary's Watergate?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
10/31/2016 @ 6:09 p.m.
After posting Friday’s column, “A presidency from hell?” about the investigations a President Hillary Clinton would face, by afternoon it was clear I had understated the gravity of the situation.
Networks exploded with news that FBI Director James Comey had informed Congress he was reopening the investigation into Clinton’s email scandal, which he had said in July had been concluded.
“Bombshell” declared Carl Bernstein. The stock market tumbled. “October surprise!” came the cry.
The only explanation, it seemed, was that the FBI had uncovered new information that could lead to a possible indictment of the former secretary of state, who by then could be the president of the United States.
By Sunday, we knew the source of the eruption.
Huma Abedin, Clinton’s top aide, sent thousands of emails to the private laptop she shared with husband Anthony Weiner, aka Carlos Danger, who is under FBI investigation for allegedly sexting with a 15-year-old girl.
The Weiner-Abedin laptop contains 650,000 emails.
The FBI has not yet reviewed Abedin’s emails, and they could turn out to be duplicates of those the FBI has already seen, benign, or not relevant to the investigation of Clinton.
But it does appear that Abedin misled the FBI when she told them all communications devices containing State Department work product were turned over to State when she departed in 2013.
Clinton, understandably, was stunned and outraged by Comey’s letter, for it casts a cloud of suspicion over her candidacy by raising the possibility that the FBI director could reverse his decision of July and recommend her prosecution.
By Monday, Oct. 31, new problems had arisen, some potentially crippling or possibly lethal to a Clinton presidency.
Reporters have unearthed a near-mutiny inside the FBI over the decision to shut down the investigation of the Clinton email scandal and Comey’s recommendation of no prosecution.
Andrew McCabe, No. 2 at the FBI, has come under anonymous fire from inside the bureau as one of those most reluctant to pursue aggressively any investigations of the Clintons.
McCabe’s wife, in a 2015 state senate race in Virginia, received $475,000 in PAC contributions from Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime friend and major fundraiser for Bill and Hillary Clinton.
After the Senate race McCabe’s wife lost, he was promoted from No. 3 at the FBI to No. 2, where he has far more influence over decisions to investigate and recommend prosecution.
Justice Department higher-ups under Attorney General Loretta Lynch apparently disagreed with Comey notifying Congress, and the nation, to new developments in the email scandal. Yet Comey had given his word to Congress that he would do so.
In the Southern District of New York, which has jurisdiction over the Weiner sexting investigation, FBI agents have reportedly been blocked from opening an investigation into charges of corruption in the Clinton Foundation.
This follows revelations that corporate chiefs and foreign rulers and regimes, hit up for contributions to the Clinton Foundation, were then urged by an ex-Clinton aide to provide six-figure speaking fees for Bill Clinton.
This follows reports the Clinton Foundation took contributions for victims of natural disasters and awarded multimillion-dollar contracts to contributors to do the work.
Still unanswered is what Bill Clinton and Attorney General Lynch discussed during that 30-minute meeting on the Phoenix tarmac, prior to the FBI and Justice Department decision not to indict Hillary Clinton.
The stench of corruption is reaching Bhopal dimensions.
What appears about to happen seems inevitable and predictable.
If Hillary Clinton is elected, the email scandal, the pay-for-play scandal involving the Clinton Foundation, “Bill Clinton Inc.,” the truthfulness of her testimony and reports of Clinton-paid dirty tricksters engaging in brownshirt tactics at Trump rallies are all going to be investigated more thoroughly by the FBI.
And if Clinton is president, there is no way her Justice Department can investigate the Clinton scandals, any more than this city in the early 1970s would entrust an investigation into Watergate to the Nixon Justice Department.
If Clinton wins this election, and Republicans hold onto one or both houses of Congress, investigations of the Clinton scandals will start soon after her inaugural and will go on for years. And the clamor for a special prosecutor, who will, as Archibald Cox did with Nixon, build a huge staff and spend years investigating, will become irresistible.
Realizing that this is the near-certain fate and future of any Hillary Clinton presidency, and would be disastrous for the country, Sunday night, Doug Schoen, who worked for President Clinton for six years, said he has changed his mind and will not be voting for Hillary.
Donald Trump says this is worse than Watergate. As of now, it is only potentially so.
But if Hillary Clinton, this distrusted and disbelieved woman, does take the oath of office on Jan. 20, there is a real possibility that, like Nixon, down the road a year or two, she could be forced from office.
Do we really want to go through this again?
Monday, October 31, 2016
Leftwing New York Daily News Demands FBI Director James Comey Resign, Dubs Him “FBI’S MAD BOMBER”
NEWS SAYS: Reckless Comey must go
Expert: Only criminal if classified emails
Fed agents knew of laptop weeks ago
• New York Daily News/Press Reader
• 31 Oct 2016
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (left) on Sunday blasted FBI Director James Comey (far right) for reopening the email investigation of Hillary Clinton and wondered why was there no word of probe into Donald Trump’s Russia ties.
FFBI [sic] AGENTS learned of emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer that may be connected to Hillary Clinton’s private server in early October but did not tell agency Director James Comey until late last week, reports Sunday said.
Now, Comey will have agents comb through 650,000 emails found during a sexting probe into Weiner — the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin — to look for a batch that might contact classified information.
The eleventh-hour reopening of a probe that supposedly ended in July when Comey cleared the Democratic nominee of any criminal wrongdoing but criticized her for being “extremely careless” with the use of a private server rocked the campaign and caused Clinton aides to question whether the FBI chief was taking political sides.
“Your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a closer intent to aid one political party over another,” Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) railed in a scathing letter to Comey, a Republican who was nominated to lead the FBI by President Obama.
“Through your partisan action, you may have broken the law,” Reid added, referring to the Hatch Act, which bars federal officials from using their official authority to influence an election. [Ha! Now that’s rich!] Reid also claimed that Comey had sat on “explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump . . . and the Russian government” while simultaneously “tarring Secretary Clinton with thin innuendo. You rushed to take this step 11 days before a presidential election, despite the fact that for all you know, the information you possess could be entirely duplicative of the information you already examined which exonerated Secretary Clinton.”
Earlier Sunday, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta ripped Comey’s handling of the matter as “inappropriate” and urged him to be more transparent because the disclosure came “in the middle of the presidential campaign so close to the voting. We would have preferred that that not happen, but now that it has happened, we would prefer that Mr. Comey come forward and explain why he took that unprecedented step,” Podesta said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine characterized Comey’s actions as “extremely puzzling” and called on the FBI to reveal more information. “Director Comey knows nothing about the content of [the emails]….
Pat Buchanan: Hillary Clinton is Tough as a $2 Steak, but if She Wins the White House, She’ll Lead the Presidency from Hell
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
I’m afraid that life in America is going to be hell for the next 50 years or so, no matter who wins the election. The country’s been ruined, and can only be saved through a partition, following a second civil war that may cost 50 million lives.
A Presidency from Hell?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
October 27, 2016 at 9:37 p.m.
Should Donald Trump surge from behind to win, he would likely bring in with him both houses of Congress.
Much of his agenda — tax cuts, deregulation, border security, deportation of criminals here illegally, repeal of Obamacare, appointing justices like Scalia, unleashing the energy industry — could be readily enacted.
On new trade treaties with China and Mexico, Trump might need economic nationalists in Bernie Sanders’ party to stand with him, as free-trade Republicans stood by their K-Street contributors.
Still, compatible agendas and GOP self-interest could transcend personal animosities and make for a successful four years.
But consider what a Hillary Clinton presidency would be like.
She would enter office as the least-admired president in history, without a vision or a mandate. She would take office with two-thirds of the nation believing she is untruthful and untrustworthy.
Reports of poor health and lack of stamina may be exaggerated. Yet she moves like a woman her age. Unlike Ronald Reagan, her husband, Bill, and President Obama, she is not a natural political athlete and lacks the personal and rhetorical skills to move people to action.
She makes few mistakes as a debater, but she is often shrill — when she is not boring. Trump is right: Hillary Clinton is tough as a $2 steak. But save for those close to her, she appears not to be a terribly likable person.
Still, such attributes, or the lack of them, do not assure a failed presidency. James Polk, no charmer, was a one-term president, but a great one, victorious in the Mexican War, annexing California and the Southwest, negotiating a fair division of the Oregon territory with the British.
Yet the hostility Clinton would face the day she takes office would almost seem to ensure four years of pure hell.
The reason: her credibility, or rather her transparent lack of it.
Consider. Because the tapes revealed he did not tell the full truth about when he learned about Watergate, Richard Nixon was forced to resign.
In the Iran-Contra affair, Reagan faced potential impeachment charges, until ex-security adviser John Poindexter testified that Reagan told the truth when he said he had not known of the secret transfer of funds to the Nicaraguan Contras.
Bill Clinton was impeached — for lying.
White House scandals, as Nixon said in Watergate, are almost always rooted in mendacity — not the misdeed, but the cover-up, the lies, the perjury, the obstruction of justice that follow.
And here Hillary Clinton seems to have an almost insoluble problem.
She has testified for hours to FBI agents investigating why and how her server was set up and whether secret information passed through it.
Forty times during her FBI interrogation, Clinton said she could not or did not recall. This writer has friends who went to prison for telling a grand jury, “I can’t recall.”
After studying her testimony and the contents of her emails, FBI Director James Comey virtually accused Clinton of lying.
Moreover, thousands of emails were erased from her server, even after she had reportedly been sent a subpoena from Congress to retain them.
During her first two years as secretary of state, half of her outside visitors were contributors to the Clinton Foundation.
Yet there was not a single quid pro quo, Clinton tells us.
Yesterday’s newspapers exploded with reports of how Bill Clinton aide Doug Band raised money for the Clinton Foundation, and then hit up the same corporate contributors to pay huge fees for Bill’s speeches.
What were the corporations buying if not influence? What were the foreign contributors buying, if not influence with an ex-president, and a secretary of state and possible future president?
Did none of the big donors receive any official favors?
“There’s a lot of smoke and there’s no fire,” says Hillary Clinton.
Perhaps, but there seems to be more smoke every day.
If once or twice in her hours of testimony to the FBI, grand jury or before Congress, Clinton were proven to have lied, her Justice Department would be obligated to name a special prosecutor, as was Nixon’s.
And, with the election over, the investigative reporters of the adversary press, Pulitzers beckoning, would be cut loose to go after her.
[That is overly optimistic, Mr. B.]
The Republican House is already gearing up for investigations that could last deep into Clinton’s first term.
There is a vast trove of public and sworn testimony from Hillary, about the server, the emails, the erasures, the Clinton Foundation. Now, thanks to WikiLeaks, there are tens of thousands of emails to sift through, and perhaps tens of thousands more to come.
What are the odds that not one contains information that contradicts her sworn testimony? Cong. Jim Jordan contends that Clinton may already have perjured herself.
And as the full-court press would begin with her inauguration, Clinton would have to deal with the Syrians, Russians, Taliban, North Koreans and Xi Jinping in the South China Sea — and with Bill Clinton wandering around the White House with nothing to do.
This election is not over. But if Hillary Clinton wins, a truly hellish presidency could await her, and us.
I’m afraid that life in America is going to be hell for the next 50 years or so, no matter who wins the election. The country’s been ruined, and can only be saved through a partition, following a second civil war that may cost 50 million lives.
A Presidency from Hell?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
October 27, 2016 at 9:37 p.m.
Should Donald Trump surge from behind to win, he would likely bring in with him both houses of Congress.
Much of his agenda — tax cuts, deregulation, border security, deportation of criminals here illegally, repeal of Obamacare, appointing justices like Scalia, unleashing the energy industry — could be readily enacted.
On new trade treaties with China and Mexico, Trump might need economic nationalists in Bernie Sanders’ party to stand with him, as free-trade Republicans stood by their K-Street contributors.
Still, compatible agendas and GOP self-interest could transcend personal animosities and make for a successful four years.
But consider what a Hillary Clinton presidency would be like.
She would enter office as the least-admired president in history, without a vision or a mandate. She would take office with two-thirds of the nation believing she is untruthful and untrustworthy.
Reports of poor health and lack of stamina may be exaggerated. Yet she moves like a woman her age. Unlike Ronald Reagan, her husband, Bill, and President Obama, she is not a natural political athlete and lacks the personal and rhetorical skills to move people to action.
She makes few mistakes as a debater, but she is often shrill — when she is not boring. Trump is right: Hillary Clinton is tough as a $2 steak. But save for those close to her, she appears not to be a terribly likable person.
Still, such attributes, or the lack of them, do not assure a failed presidency. James Polk, no charmer, was a one-term president, but a great one, victorious in the Mexican War, annexing California and the Southwest, negotiating a fair division of the Oregon territory with the British.
Yet the hostility Clinton would face the day she takes office would almost seem to ensure four years of pure hell.
The reason: her credibility, or rather her transparent lack of it.
Consider. Because the tapes revealed he did not tell the full truth about when he learned about Watergate, Richard Nixon was forced to resign.
In the Iran-Contra affair, Reagan faced potential impeachment charges, until ex-security adviser John Poindexter testified that Reagan told the truth when he said he had not known of the secret transfer of funds to the Nicaraguan Contras.
Bill Clinton was impeached — for lying.
White House scandals, as Nixon said in Watergate, are almost always rooted in mendacity — not the misdeed, but the cover-up, the lies, the perjury, the obstruction of justice that follow.
And here Hillary Clinton seems to have an almost insoluble problem.
She has testified for hours to FBI agents investigating why and how her server was set up and whether secret information passed through it.
Forty times during her FBI interrogation, Clinton said she could not or did not recall. This writer has friends who went to prison for telling a grand jury, “I can’t recall.”
After studying her testimony and the contents of her emails, FBI Director James Comey virtually accused Clinton of lying.
Moreover, thousands of emails were erased from her server, even after she had reportedly been sent a subpoena from Congress to retain them.
During her first two years as secretary of state, half of her outside visitors were contributors to the Clinton Foundation.
Yet there was not a single quid pro quo, Clinton tells us.
Yesterday’s newspapers exploded with reports of how Bill Clinton aide Doug Band raised money for the Clinton Foundation, and then hit up the same corporate contributors to pay huge fees for Bill’s speeches.
What were the corporations buying if not influence? What were the foreign contributors buying, if not influence with an ex-president, and a secretary of state and possible future president?
Did none of the big donors receive any official favors?
“There’s a lot of smoke and there’s no fire,” says Hillary Clinton.
Perhaps, but there seems to be more smoke every day.
If once or twice in her hours of testimony to the FBI, grand jury or before Congress, Clinton were proven to have lied, her Justice Department would be obligated to name a special prosecutor, as was Nixon’s.
And, with the election over, the investigative reporters of the adversary press, Pulitzers beckoning, would be cut loose to go after her.
[That is overly optimistic, Mr. B.]
The Republican House is already gearing up for investigations that could last deep into Clinton’s first term.
There is a vast trove of public and sworn testimony from Hillary, about the server, the emails, the erasures, the Clinton Foundation. Now, thanks to WikiLeaks, there are tens of thousands of emails to sift through, and perhaps tens of thousands more to come.
What are the odds that not one contains information that contradicts her sworn testimony? Cong. Jim Jordan contends that Clinton may already have perjured herself.
And as the full-court press would begin with her inauguration, Clinton would have to deal with the Syrians, Russians, Taliban, North Koreans and Xi Jinping in the South China Sea — and with Bill Clinton wandering around the White House with nothing to do.
This election is not over. But if Hillary Clinton wins, a truly hellish presidency could await her, and us.
More Murder, Mayhem, Misogyny and Mexicans: “SAN ANTONIO — Human remains found in East Kerr County earlier this week were identified Friday as those of a local woman who has been missing since November 2015; The body of Angelica Jimenez, a 34-year-old mother of four…”
By A Texas Reader
Kerr County remains identified as missing mother of 4 from S.A.
"Human remains found in East Kerr County earlier this week were identified Friday as those of a local woman who has been missing since November 2015."
And as an adult she got orthodontic braces?
Medicaid paid for 'em?
NBC Nightly News’ Lester Holt Came Through, in a Pinch, for Hillary Clinton Tonight!
[Re: “Weather Forecast Predicts Lots of News Thunder and Lightning, as the Evil Media Storms, in Fighting Back Against FBI Director James Comey’s Friday Revelations About the Bureau’s Renewed Investigation of MSM’s Leader, Hillary Clinton.”]
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
True to form, Negro Nightly News had a CrookedHillary/NBC News poll showing... no differance! (French pronunciation) Hillary still trouncing Trump.
And Lesta Holt smiled.
Then a five-minute story about Harry Reid and other Dems saying the FBI has been investigating Trump and Paul Manafort for "their connection to the Russian mafia."
Passing coverage of Trump in Grand Rapids today—saying "Thank you, Huma." As usual, the ratio of Clinton positives to Trump positives was 5-1.
Monday, October 31, 2016 at 6:59:00 P.M. EDT
On CNN, Democrat Predicts that in spite of the E-Mail Scandal, Huma Abedin Could be Shadow President in a Hillary Clinton Administration
By Nicholas Stix
Late this afternoon, a Democrat talking head on CNN predicted that Huma Abedin could still serve in a non-visible role in a Clinton II administration, in same way that Valerie Jarrett has served within the Obama administrations.
Valerie Jarrett is widely believed to be the real power in the White House over the past seven years and nine months, the shadow president. In other words, some powerful Democrats believe that Huma Abedin could end up with more, not less power, after her own e-mail scandal.
By the way, during a CNN panel today, veteran alleged reporter Nia-Malika Henderson (yes, she’s black) spoke of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin as having a “mother-daughter-like relationship.”
When someone speaks like that of Clinton and Abedin, it’s as if she shouted out, “Anything I say about Hillary and Huma is a lie, folks!” Apparently, Nia-Malika Henderson doesn’t understand that her attempt at misdirection has the opposite effect of that which she intends.
Late this afternoon, a Democrat talking head on CNN predicted that Huma Abedin could still serve in a non-visible role in a Clinton II administration, in same way that Valerie Jarrett has served within the Obama administrations.
Valerie Jarrett is widely believed to be the real power in the White House over the past seven years and nine months, the shadow president. In other words, some powerful Democrats believe that Huma Abedin could end up with more, not less power, after her own e-mail scandal.
By the way, during a CNN panel today, veteran alleged reporter Nia-Malika Henderson (yes, she’s black) spoke of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin as having a “mother-daughter-like relationship.”
When someone speaks like that of Clinton and Abedin, it’s as if she shouted out, “Anything I say about Hillary and Huma is a lie, folks!” Apparently, Nia-Malika Henderson doesn’t understand that her attempt at misdirection has the opposite effect of that which she intends.
Weather Forecast Predicts Lots of News Thunder and Lightning, as the Evil Media Storms, in Fighting Back Against FBI Director James Comey’s Friday Revelations About the Bureau’s Renewed Investigation of MSM’s Leader, Hillary Clinton
[Re: “Video of Democrat Pollster Doug Schoen, Responding to FBI’s New Investigation of Hillary Clinton: ‘As of today, I am not a supporter of the Secretary of State.’”]
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
I've seen Doug Schoen many times on Fox, and most of the time he's given fairly objective analysis of the presidential race.
This is the first regular news day after the Friday dynamic explosion of Comey pursuing evidence in the Hillary Clinton email case.
What I've seen is as obvious as the nose on Bill Clinton's face: MSM has their orders from Clinton headquarters—attack Trump on ANYTHING. So far, it’s Trump charity donations and Elijah Cummings accusing Trump of being partnered with/under the control of Russia. It is being pushed by Christine Welker on MSNBC, and she had a guest to back the Russian theme, after which she said, "Thank you SO MUCH," while her fat face glowed.
This is going to be a huge day of pushback by Lester Holt, Don Lemon and the rest. Before Friday, the media seemed to be letting up—assuming the race was over—but now the reaction is like someone has stepped on the collective tail of this group of propagandists—and they are PIS*ED.
LATE WORD: Classified emails have been found on Weiner’s computer.
Monday, October 31, 2016 at 11:03:00 A.M. EDT
Video of Democrat Pollster Doug Schoen, Responding to FBI’s New Investigation of Hillary Clinton: “As of today, I am not a supporter of the Secretary of State”
MY NEWEST VIDEO: Doug Schoen renounces his support for Hillary Clinton after the new FBI email probe. 😁
— Deplorable AJ (@asamjulian) October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Chicago Homicides Nearly 200 Above Last Year
By Prince Charles County Ex-Pat
Chicago Homicides Nearly 200 Above Last Year
"Six people were killed and 31 others were wounded in shootings in Chicago over the weekend as the number of homicides this year climbed to nearly 200 above the same ..."
Chicago Homicides Nearly 200 Above Last Year
"Six people were killed and 31 others were wounded in shootings in Chicago over the weekend as the number of homicides this year climbed to nearly 200 above the same ..."
See an Unforgettable Duet of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis on Live TV, Singing Harry M. Woods’ “Side by Side”
[Of related interest, at WEJB/NSU:
“A Celebration of the Music of Harry M. Woods.”]
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
The video below is from Martin & Lewis’ TV show, The Colgate Comedy Hour, in 1955.
Unfortunately, they would split one year later, after making a series of 16 wildly successful movie comedies together between 1949 and 1956. For a few years, they were the world’s biggest movie stars, bigger even than John Wayne, though their popularity was split.
Each had success on his own, but Lewis had more than Martin. That’s a shame, because Dean Martin was an incredible talent.
As a comedian, he was widely considered the greatest straight man in the business (with all due respect to George Burns and Bud Abbott). He was marvelous, baritone crooner who cut a series of hit records, mostly during the 1960s (“That’s Amore,” “Volare,” “Houston,” and his signature song, “Everyboby Loves Somebody (Sometime).” And over the course of 20 years, he hosted three variety and comedy shows that were so popular that an observer quipped (of Martin and Andy Williams) that they were like having a license to print money, since the popularity of the shows guaranteed that the records would be hits.
If you want to know what Martin was capable of as a straight actor, see Howard Hawks’ classic, 1959 Western, Rio Bravo, starring John Wayne. As the heartbroken deputy, Dave the Dude, Dean Martin gave the greatest performance I’ve ever seen of a drunk. He should have won an Oscar, but he was too restrained. Then, as now, Oscar loves a ham.
However, the TV shows deteriorated into celebrity roasts, and Martin devoted too much time and energy in middle age to a series of three popular but mindless, macho pictures, in which he played private detective Matt Helm.
Dean Martin died in 1995, at the age of 78, after living for years as a recluse. Although he often did an over-the-top drunk shtick on his popular TV shows, he was reportedly not a drunk in real life.
Jerry Lewis has long been considered a comic genius by French critics, though many of them have since died off, and by him.
Lewis is still alive at 90, having survived several massive heart attacks, along the way.
Martin & Lewis reportedly had a brief reunion in 1976.
For me, the story of Martin & Lewis is a tale of modern Hollywood. Great talent may translate into great wealth, but not necessarily into great works.
“Side by Side”
Dean Martin in Rio Bravo
I've Always Wanted to Live in the Third World (Graphic)
By Reader-Researcher RC
And now I do.
She makes Richard Nixon look like a Saint
And now I do.
She makes Richard Nixon look like a Saint
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Statistics Web Site Baseball Reference Has Declared the World Series Over, During Game Four, with the Cleveland Indians Victorious; No Need to Finish This Game, or Play a Fifth Game!
By Nicholas Stix
I just checked the stats page of Indians outfielder Coco Crisp, and it says that Series is over, with the victory symbol to the left of Crisp’s stats, and a “W” for Cleveland.
I just checked the stats page of Indians outfielder Coco Crisp, and it says that Series is over, with the victory symbol to the left of Crisp’s stats, and a “W” for Cleveland.
Tom Tancredo: The FBI’s Announcement that It Has Reopened the Criminal Investigation into Hillary Clinton’s Email Server is a Ticking Time Bomb; She Must Step Down, and Yield to Tim Kaine, in Order to Avoid a Constitutional Crisis
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
I thank reader-researcher RC for this article.
Tancredo: Hillary Clinton Should Step Down to Avoid Constitutional Crisis
By Tom Tancredo
29 Oct 2016
The announcement by the FBI that it has reopened the criminal investigation into Hillary’s email server is more than an embarrassment to the Clinton presidential campaign.
It is a ticking time bomb that could do more damage to our country than the Watergate scandal if allowed to explode.
The Watergate investigation revealed Nixon’s attempted cover-up of the June 1972 break-in at Democratic National Committee HQ at the Watergate Hotel. It was the cover-up that led to Nixon’s downfall, not the break-in.
The FBI investigation has already revealed Hillary Clinton’s perjury, and a new investigation of additional classified documents shared through her personal email server can lead to criminal indictments—unless the FBI itself wants to fall on its sword in a far more visible and viral cover-up than we have seen to date.
It is not at all clear that the FBI has not already been hopelessly compromised: Did the FBI have knowledge of Barack Obama’s participation in the illegal email server and the president’s lies about it to the public? Who will investigate the investigators?
What happens if Clinton wins the election and is then indicted on criminal charges prior to January 20? What happens if the FBI again fails to recommend criminal charges but the House of Representatives finds her in contempt of Congress and asks the Department of Justice to prosecute her for perjury? What happens if the Congress holds up all presidential appointments and all Democrat legislation until a nonpartisan Special Prosecutor is appointed?
The likelihood of a constitutional crisis grows each day that Clinton continues to lie about her classified emails and continues to avoid criminal penalties for her possible perjury. If Clinton wins the election and is sworn in as President, she can only be removed by impeachment by the House and conviction by the Senate. If Democrats win majority control of the Senate on November 8, Clinton could defy the Congress and either refuse to appoint a Special Prosecutor or appoint someone who would rubber stamp her criminal behavior.
The patriotic thing for Hillary Clinton to do would be to step aside and let the DNC select Tim Kaine as the party’s presidential candidate. But since that would almost certainly lead to a tidal wave of support for Donald Trump, that will not happen. The national Democrat Party is not famous for its fidelity to constitutional norms.
The difference between the Watergate scandal and the Clinton perjury scandal is that in 1974, a delegation of Republican members of Congress went to Nixon and told him point blank he must resign because they would vote to remove him if he didn’t. Republicans suffered devastating losses in the 1974 elections because of the Nixon resignation—even though no members of Congress were implicated in Nixon’s cover-up.
In the Watergate scandal, Republicans in Congress put the truth and the rule of law above politics. Democrats do not behave that way; Democrats put politics above everything, including the Constitution. Besides, the Clintons have been here before and survived. In 1998, Bill Clinton committed perjury — and obstruction of justice – and got away with it because, as Democrat Senators admitted publicly, they would not remove one of their own for merely telling a lie. After all, they said, Bill Clinton’s lie was not about policy, it was about sex with a White House intern.
The national media will of course do its best to deflect public attention away from the new FBI criminal investigation. Indeed, that is already happening.
Like liberal newspapers across the country, The Denver Post considers it necessary to link the FBI story to the Associated Press survey of public opinion on the veracity of the “groping” allegations against Trump. The media has not yet managed to find any credible allegation of criminal wrong-doing against Trump, but is working hard to divert public attention away from Clinton’s newest scandal.
A constitutional crisis is not entirely avoided even if Hillary Clinton loses to Donald Trump on November 8. Let’s suppose President Trump asks newly appointed Attorney General Rudy Giuliani to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate Clinton’s misuse of a private email server.
A Democrat-controlled Senate could obstruct that investigation and threaten all kinds of retribution against the new President. Thus, in typical Washington fashion, a bipartisan deal would likely be struck to let Hillary off the hook—all in the name, of course, of saving taxpayer money.
A very real constitutional crisis has already occurred and it is ongoing — the transparent politicization of the FBI and the Department of Justice by the Obama team and the resulting loss of public confidence in those law enforcement institutions. Americans now have additional reasons to be wary of expanded federal powers.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
On the Lighter Side.... Comely but None-too-Bright Coed from Texas A & M Crashed into Cop Car While Allegedly Drunk and Sending Topless Selfie
Miranda Kay Rader will long be remembered in College Station, but not for her academic exploits
By A Texas Reader
Police: A&M student crashed into cop car while sending topless selfie
A Texas A&M student crashed into a parked police car while sending a topless selfie to her boyfriend, according to police.
Insert (Aggie joke).
After Hillary Clinton Supporters Vandalized Donald Trump’s Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Take a Gander at Who’s Guarding It Now; It’ll Do Your Heart Good!
.@mitchellvii @madjewesswoman @NicholasStix This homeless black woman defending Trump's star should go viral.
— Glaivester (@Glaivester) October 28, 2016
About Wyoming, Michigan Murder Suspect Murderer, Raul Perez—He’s an Illegal Mexican National, and Two-Time Convicted Felon Who Had been Deported Twice Since 2005, and Had been Re-Arrested Just Four Days Ago!
Murder victim Karla Guadalupe Magana-Garcia. I couldn't find a picture of her before, because different sources had different names and spellings for her.

Illegal alien felon Raul Perez; his victim (no picture available yet), Karla Guadalup-Magana, is being described by the MSM as a "Wyoming woman," which she almost certainly wasn't
[Previously, on this crime, at WEJB/NSU:
“Update on Wyoming, Michigan Murder—Normal Stuff.”]
[Updated on Thursday, October 27, at 11:34 p.m.: I'm no longer referring to this individual as a "murder suspect." When the police enter your girlfriend's apartment to find her corpse, while you are sound asleep in her bed, you're no longer a "suspect." Note that Michigan is not a death penalty state. Thus, justice will not be meted out to Raul Garcia.]
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Further update. Perez is an illegal Mexican national, who has been deported twice since 2005. A crime sheet in the states includes two felony convictions--for drug dealing in 2005, and for illegal re-entry, in 2008. He was JUST ARRESTED four days ago for drunk driving--and RELEASED!
Local are media asking, if he was illegal, why he was released, to as it turns out, go kill his girlfriend.
These are the guys Trump was talking about, when he said, “We get Mexico's worst.”
Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 5:08:00 P.M. EDT
Update on Wyoming, Michigan Murder—Normal Stuff
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Update on Wyoming murder: It was B) Mex on Mex. I know my city all too well. It was either one, though.
“WYOMING, Mich. – A man has been charged with open murder in the death of a Wyoming woman.
“Raul Perez was arraigned by video Thursday afternoon in the death of Karla Guadalup-Magana. Her body was found in her apartment on 44th Street Wednesday.
“Court documents say that Perez allegedly admitted to strangling Guadalup-Magana in a phone call to his daughter. Perez is in custody at the Kent County Jail.
GRA: Normal stuff
Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 4:53:00 PM EDT
Update on Wyoming murder: It was B) Mex on Mex. I know my city all too well. It was either one, though.
“WYOMING, Mich. – A man has been charged with open murder in the death of a Wyoming woman.
“Raul Perez was arraigned by video Thursday afternoon in the death of Karla Guadalup-Magana. Her body was found in her apartment on 44th Street Wednesday.
“Court documents say that Perez allegedly admitted to strangling Guadalup-Magana in a phone call to his daughter. Perez is in custody at the Kent County Jail.
GRA: Normal stuff
Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 4:53:00 PM EDT
Countenance: The Tragic Central Ironies of the Left and the Right
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Among many other public services the Countenance blogmeister performs on a regular basis (e.g., analyzing pols and handicapping races), he has written a series of brilliant essays on the total failure of constitutional conservatism.
I read the best, tightest such essay of his last November, I believe. It ran about 800 words, which is much longer than his usual blog item, and his longer pieces are usually collections of miscellany, such as his Sunday roundups.
I asked him if I could reprint his essay on constitutional conservatism, and he said, “Sure” (in case you didn’t know, I’m his biggest fan—just ask him!), but after at least two hours of searching his blog, I gave up.
This time, I didn’t ask his permission. He had earlier given me what sounded like carte blanche, plus if you ask someone’s permission, he—no, make that she—might just say, “No.”
“May I kiss you?”
“May I grope you?”
According to Anderson Cooper, I am guilty of countless offenses of kissing or groping someone without her permission, and much worse than that! (Does he ask the men he rendezvous with for permission to… whatever? The question was rhetorical.)
Hit the link to Countenance, in order to read the comments.
The Tragic Central Irony of Constitutional Conservatism
By Countenance Blogmeister
Thursday, October 27, 2016
In our sphere, we often discuss the tragic central irony of the left and its constituent parts. Our case has this scaffolding: The left is undermining that which it necessarily depends on to succeed in order to acquire enough power to implement its agenda. From there, all you need are proper nouns and particularities.
One such example of proper nouns and particularities is BLM. They hate the cops, but need the cops to enforce the system which they need to fulfill their agenda. Deray McKesson despises the Baltimore Police Department but now “works” for the Baltimore City Public Schools, an institution whose finances heavily depend on the Baltimore Police Department collecting taxes from unwilling city property owners. Of course, I don’t think BLM and Deray really hate the cops, they’re just pretending they do in order to leverage the black undertow’s contempt for cops, in order to play it against white pathological altruism, in order to extract benefits for themselves. Hence, Deray’s sinecures.
Another such example is one that you’ve read often, if you read your Sailer like you all should. It’s the “running out of white kids” doctrine. The left wants to demote white people from majority status in the country, but at the same time thinks that the social problems of non-Asian minorities can be solved by spreading them out among white people, using white people as a buffer for NAM social dysfunction (e.g. school deseg, AFFH). I think the modern left with power, because they are mostly baby boomers, live under a demographic delusional fantasy that the country they run still has the same kind of demographics that the country had when they were kids. They behave as if the country is 89% native-born white, 10% black and 1% others.
I figured out this morning, over my OJ, that the left isn’t the only universe that suffers from the syndrome of the tragic central irony.
Hence, modern constitutional conservatism.
If I had a dime for every time I read or heard one of our kind of people pop off about some pie-in-the-sky fantasy about adding constitutional amendments, or repealing constitutional amendments, or something of the like, I’d be able to buy out Gates and Zuckerberg several times over. The problem is that if we had the kind of power it takes to do that, then we actually wouldn’t do that, because we wouldn’t waste our time with that; we’d be doing other more forceful, more impactful things. Our constitutional fantasies usually revolve around compensating for our inability to acquire power, but in order to make those constitutional changes, we’d need to acquire power. But once we acquire power, we’d have power, so why should we bother with the constitutional changes? The reason we don’t have that kind of power is because we waste our time hem-hawing over a piece of paper and its supposed magical ability to save us.
The difference between our tragic central irony and the left’s is that the left’s are of the sort that will eventually undermine their victories and their agenda that they have fulfilled because they have power, while ours puts us in a vicious cycle which prevents us from competing for power.
Among many other public services the Countenance blogmeister performs on a regular basis (e.g., analyzing pols and handicapping races), he has written a series of brilliant essays on the total failure of constitutional conservatism.
I read the best, tightest such essay of his last November, I believe. It ran about 800 words, which is much longer than his usual blog item, and his longer pieces are usually collections of miscellany, such as his Sunday roundups.
I asked him if I could reprint his essay on constitutional conservatism, and he said, “Sure” (in case you didn’t know, I’m his biggest fan—just ask him!), but after at least two hours of searching his blog, I gave up.
This time, I didn’t ask his permission. He had earlier given me what sounded like carte blanche, plus if you ask someone’s permission, he—no, make that she—might just say, “No.”
“May I kiss you?”
“May I grope you?”
According to Anderson Cooper, I am guilty of countless offenses of kissing or groping someone without her permission, and much worse than that! (Does he ask the men he rendezvous with for permission to… whatever? The question was rhetorical.)
Hit the link to Countenance, in order to read the comments.
The Tragic Central Irony of Constitutional Conservatism
By Countenance Blogmeister
Thursday, October 27, 2016
In our sphere, we often discuss the tragic central irony of the left and its constituent parts. Our case has this scaffolding: The left is undermining that which it necessarily depends on to succeed in order to acquire enough power to implement its agenda. From there, all you need are proper nouns and particularities.
One such example of proper nouns and particularities is BLM. They hate the cops, but need the cops to enforce the system which they need to fulfill their agenda. Deray McKesson despises the Baltimore Police Department but now “works” for the Baltimore City Public Schools, an institution whose finances heavily depend on the Baltimore Police Department collecting taxes from unwilling city property owners. Of course, I don’t think BLM and Deray really hate the cops, they’re just pretending they do in order to leverage the black undertow’s contempt for cops, in order to play it against white pathological altruism, in order to extract benefits for themselves. Hence, Deray’s sinecures.
Another such example is one that you’ve read often, if you read your Sailer like you all should. It’s the “running out of white kids” doctrine. The left wants to demote white people from majority status in the country, but at the same time thinks that the social problems of non-Asian minorities can be solved by spreading them out among white people, using white people as a buffer for NAM social dysfunction (e.g. school deseg, AFFH). I think the modern left with power, because they are mostly baby boomers, live under a demographic delusional fantasy that the country they run still has the same kind of demographics that the country had when they were kids. They behave as if the country is 89% native-born white, 10% black and 1% others.
I figured out this morning, over my OJ, that the left isn’t the only universe that suffers from the syndrome of the tragic central irony.
Hence, modern constitutional conservatism.
If I had a dime for every time I read or heard one of our kind of people pop off about some pie-in-the-sky fantasy about adding constitutional amendments, or repealing constitutional amendments, or something of the like, I’d be able to buy out Gates and Zuckerberg several times over. The problem is that if we had the kind of power it takes to do that, then we actually wouldn’t do that, because we wouldn’t waste our time with that; we’d be doing other more forceful, more impactful things. Our constitutional fantasies usually revolve around compensating for our inability to acquire power, but in order to make those constitutional changes, we’d need to acquire power. But once we acquire power, we’d have power, so why should we bother with the constitutional changes? The reason we don’t have that kind of power is because we waste our time hem-hawing over a piece of paper and its supposed magical ability to save us.
The difference between our tragic central irony and the left’s is that the left’s are of the sort that will eventually undermine their victories and their agenda that they have fulfilled because they have power, while ours puts us in a vicious cycle which prevents us from competing for power.
Seth Meyers’ “Hate Trump” Sketch
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Just watched another anti-Trump show tonight, for five minutes. Seth Meyers let his “hate Trump” out tonight, with about as unfunny a sketch (and never-ending, as well) that I've seen in a while.
He did what I used to do with cassette tapes when I was 16 years old—which is... ask questions and then play carefully edited voices to be funny answers. Funny, because they're taken out of context.
Meyers pretended to be a moderator at the last Trump/Clinton debate, and asked questions to each... like:
Meyers: Mr. Trump, what do you think of your penis?
Trump clip: It's sad.
Meyers: But really, what do you think of your penis?
Trump clip: It's ruining the country.
Seventy-five percent of the jokes were Trump responding in an undignified, vulgar way about himself.
Hillary Clinton was "asked" few questions, but when she did, it was like this:
Meyers: Mrs. Clinton, what will happen to the people who vote against Mr. Trump, if you lose?
Clinton clip: They'll be taking buses and trains out of the country.
Pretty fu**ing hilarious, isn't it? Embarrass Trump with his own "words," and not do the same to her.
Add Seth Meyers to the growing list of TV people that are so politically warped in favor of Clinton, with reporting or entertainment—as to not be watchable—unless you ARE drooling Demobot.
So click goes the remote.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 1:15:00 AM EDT
Just watched another anti-Trump show tonight, for five minutes. Seth Meyers let his “hate Trump” out tonight, with about as unfunny a sketch (and never-ending, as well) that I've seen in a while.
He did what I used to do with cassette tapes when I was 16 years old—which is... ask questions and then play carefully edited voices to be funny answers. Funny, because they're taken out of context.
Meyers pretended to be a moderator at the last Trump/Clinton debate, and asked questions to each... like:
Meyers: Mr. Trump, what do you think of your penis?
Trump clip: It's sad.
Meyers: But really, what do you think of your penis?
Trump clip: It's ruining the country.
Seventy-five percent of the jokes were Trump responding in an undignified, vulgar way about himself.
Hillary Clinton was "asked" few questions, but when she did, it was like this:
Meyers: Mrs. Clinton, what will happen to the people who vote against Mr. Trump, if you lose?
Clinton clip: They'll be taking buses and trains out of the country.
Pretty fu**ing hilarious, isn't it? Embarrass Trump with his own "words," and not do the same to her.
Add Seth Meyers to the growing list of TV people that are so politically warped in favor of Clinton, with reporting or entertainment—as to not be watchable—unless you ARE drooling Demobot.
So click goes the remote.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 1:15:00 AM EDT
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Why is the San Francisco Chronicle so All-Fire Interested in a Cop-Killing in Hungary?
By Reader-Researcher RC
"BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungarian authorities say that a police officer was killed during an attempted home search in the village of Bony, near the western city of Gyor."
At the Chronicle.
Why is this news in San Francisco?
Is it because the alleged shooter is an "ultra nationalist"?
"BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungarian authorities say that a police officer was killed during an attempted home search in the village of Bony, near the western city of Gyor."
At the Chronicle.
Why is this news in San Francisco?
Is it because the alleged shooter is an "ultra nationalist"?
Megyn Kelly and Newt Gingrich Go to War! See the Uncut Video!
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
The main event begins at 2:22.
Published on October 25, 2016, by World News Daily.
The main event begins at 2:22.
Published on October 25, 2016, by World News Daily.
“Deals”: The Trump Video Youtube Doesn’t Want You to Watch
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Youtube warning: “This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.”
Considerate towards whom?
I’ve seen all manner of obscene, leftwing videos on youtube, e.g., one where feminists got small children to curse on camera, without youtube doing anything to discourage viewership.
Uploaded on Oct 14, 2016 by Team Trump.
Youtube warning: “This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.”
Considerate towards whom?
I’ve seen all manner of obscene, leftwing videos on youtube, e.g., one where feminists got small children to curse on camera, without youtube doing anything to discourage viewership.
Uploaded on Oct 14, 2016 by Team Trump.
According to Communist Movie Propagandist Michael Moore, America Will Deliver the “Biggest ‘F— You’ Ever Recorded in Human History,” and Put GOP Nominee Donald Trump in the White House
By Reader-Researcher RC
“Urban Dictionary: turd in the punch bowl”
“A comparative word, used to describe the unpopularity of a certain person.”
The Donald is the turd in the punch bowl known as America.
“Urban Dictionary: turd in the punch bowl”
“A comparative word, used to describe the unpopularity of a certain person.”
The Donald is the turd in the punch bowl known as America.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Why Colin Powell Supports Hillary Clinton for President: “I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect; A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home”; Yeah… What?
By Reader-Researcher RC and Nicholas Stix
“He's With Her — Colin Powell Announces Support for Hillary Clinton – Breitbart.”
N.S.: Colin Powell is one of the quintessential faces of Jim Snow America. Everything he has, he has through affirmative action, and most of it from the Republican Party, after his failure as a one-star general. So, what has he done? Betrayed his benefactors at every turn.
In 1996, the GOP offered him their nomination and the presidency on a silver platter. He both chickened out, and condemned the party as racist, in a despicable speech at the RNC that year.
Has he ever supported a Republican candidate? He supported Obama in 2008 and 2012, and now he supports Hillary Clinton. Racial socialist, racial socialist, racial socialist. No one has taken his claims to be a Republican seriously for many years.
“He's With Her — Colin Powell Announces Support for Hillary Clinton – Breitbart.”
N.S.: Colin Powell is one of the quintessential faces of Jim Snow America. Everything he has, he has through affirmative action, and most of it from the Republican Party, after his failure as a one-star general. So, what has he done? Betrayed his benefactors at every turn.
In 1996, the GOP offered him their nomination and the presidency on a silver platter. He both chickened out, and condemned the party as racist, in a despicable speech at the RNC that year.
Has he ever supported a Republican candidate? He supported Obama in 2008 and 2012, and now he supports Hillary Clinton. Racial socialist, racial socialist, racial socialist. No one has taken his claims to be a Republican seriously for many years.
In Campaign 2016, Who are the Real Bullies? (Dilbert’s Scott Adams)
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
The Bully Party
By Scott Adams
October 25th, 2016 @ 9:14 a.m.
Dilbert/Scott Adams
I’ve been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters together. As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a willingness to bully in all its forms.
If you have a Trump sign in your lawn, they will steal it.
If you have a Trump bumper sticker, they will deface your car.
if you speak of Trump at work you could get fired.
On social media, almost every message I get from a Clinton supporter is a bullying type of message. They insult. They try to shame. They label. And obviously they threaten my livelihood.
We know from Project Veritas that Clinton supporters tried to incite violence at Trump rallies. The media downplays it.
We also know Clinton’s side hired paid trolls to bully online. You don’t hear much about that.
Yesterday, by no coincidence, Huffington Post, Salon, and Daily Kos all published similar-sounding hit pieces on me, presumably to lower my influence. (That reason, plus jealousy, are the only reasons writers write about other writers.)
Joe Biden said he wanted to take Trump behind the bleachers and beat him up. No one on Clinton’s side disavowed that call to violence because, I assume, they consider it justified hyperbole.
Team Clinton has succeeded in perpetuating one of the greatest evils I have seen in my lifetime. Her side has branded Trump supporters (40%+ of voters) as Nazis, sexists, homophobes, racists, and a few other fighting words. Their argument is built on confirmation bias and persuasion. But facts don’t matter because facts never matter in politics. What matters is that Clinton’s framing of Trump provides moral cover for any bullying behavior online or in person. No one can be a bad person for opposing Hitler, right?
Some Trump supporters online have suggested that people who intend to vote for Trump should wear their Trump hats on election day. That is a dangerous idea, and I strongly discourage it. There would be riots in the streets because we already know the bullies would attack. But on election day, inviting those attacks is an extra-dangerous idea. Violence is bad on any day, but on election day, Republicans are far more likely to unholster in an effort to protect their voting rights. Things will get wet fast.
Yes, yes, I realize Trump supporters say bad things about Clinton supporters too. I don’t defend the bad apples on either side. I’ll just point out that Trump’s message is about uniting all Americans under one flag. The Clinton message is that some Americans are good people and the other 40% are some form of deplorables, deserving of shame, vandalism, punishing taxation, and violence. She has literally turned Americans on each other. It is hard for me to imagine a worse thing for a presidential candidate to do.
I’ll say that again.
As far as I can tell, the worst thing a presidential candidate can do is turn Americans against each other. Clinton is doing that, intentionally.
As I often say, I don’t know who has the best policies. I don’t know the best way to fight ISIS and I don’t know how to fix healthcare or trade deals. I don’t know which tax policies are best to lift the economy. I don’t know the best way to handle any of that stuff. (And neither do you.) But I do have a bad reaction to bullies. And I’ve reached my limit.
I hope you have too. Therefore…
I endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States because I oppose bullying in all its forms.
I don’t defend Trump’s personal life. Neither Trump nor Clinton are role models for our children. Let’s call that a tie, at worst.
The bullies are welcome to drown in their own bile while those of us who want a better world do what we’ve been doing for hundreds of years: Work to make it better while others complain about how we’re doing it.
Today I put Trump’s odds of winning in a landslide back to 98%. Remember, I told you a few weeks ago that Trump couldn’t win unless “something changed.”
Something just changed.
You might like my book because Clinton’s bullies have been giving it one-star reviews on Amazon to punish me for blogging about Trump’s persuasion skills.
N.S.: I have found the Adams essays on Trump that I have read brilliant, but I think he has been disingenuous all along, regarding his support for Trump. It was clear to me a year ago, with his the essay of his that I read on the presidential race, that he was a Trump supporter. Thus, I find the following passage disingenuous.
“As I often say, I don’t know who has the best policies. I don’t know the best way to fight ISIS and I don’t know how to fix healthcare or trade deals. I don’t know which tax policies are best to lift the economy. I don’t know the best way to handle any of that stuff. (And neither do you.) But I do have a bad reaction to bullies. And I’ve reached my limit.
“I hope you have too. Therefore…
“I endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States because I oppose bullying in all its forms.”
Of course, Adams supports Trump’s policy positions. Why, then is he so shallow and slippery about it? Probably for the same reason he gave why other people won’t openly support Trump—out of fear that Trump-haters would destroy his life.
The Bully Party
By Scott Adams
October 25th, 2016 @ 9:14 a.m.
Dilbert/Scott Adams
I’ve been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters together. As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a willingness to bully in all its forms.
If you have a Trump sign in your lawn, they will steal it.
If you have a Trump bumper sticker, they will deface your car.
if you speak of Trump at work you could get fired.
On social media, almost every message I get from a Clinton supporter is a bullying type of message. They insult. They try to shame. They label. And obviously they threaten my livelihood.
We know from Project Veritas that Clinton supporters tried to incite violence at Trump rallies. The media downplays it.
We also know Clinton’s side hired paid trolls to bully online. You don’t hear much about that.
Yesterday, by no coincidence, Huffington Post, Salon, and Daily Kos all published similar-sounding hit pieces on me, presumably to lower my influence. (That reason, plus jealousy, are the only reasons writers write about other writers.)
Joe Biden said he wanted to take Trump behind the bleachers and beat him up. No one on Clinton’s side disavowed that call to violence because, I assume, they consider it justified hyperbole.
Team Clinton has succeeded in perpetuating one of the greatest evils I have seen in my lifetime. Her side has branded Trump supporters (40%+ of voters) as Nazis, sexists, homophobes, racists, and a few other fighting words. Their argument is built on confirmation bias and persuasion. But facts don’t matter because facts never matter in politics. What matters is that Clinton’s framing of Trump provides moral cover for any bullying behavior online or in person. No one can be a bad person for opposing Hitler, right?
Some Trump supporters online have suggested that people who intend to vote for Trump should wear their Trump hats on election day. That is a dangerous idea, and I strongly discourage it. There would be riots in the streets because we already know the bullies would attack. But on election day, inviting those attacks is an extra-dangerous idea. Violence is bad on any day, but on election day, Republicans are far more likely to unholster in an effort to protect their voting rights. Things will get wet fast.
Yes, yes, I realize Trump supporters say bad things about Clinton supporters too. I don’t defend the bad apples on either side. I’ll just point out that Trump’s message is about uniting all Americans under one flag. The Clinton message is that some Americans are good people and the other 40% are some form of deplorables, deserving of shame, vandalism, punishing taxation, and violence. She has literally turned Americans on each other. It is hard for me to imagine a worse thing for a presidential candidate to do.
I’ll say that again.
As far as I can tell, the worst thing a presidential candidate can do is turn Americans against each other. Clinton is doing that, intentionally.
As I often say, I don’t know who has the best policies. I don’t know the best way to fight ISIS and I don’t know how to fix healthcare or trade deals. I don’t know which tax policies are best to lift the economy. I don’t know the best way to handle any of that stuff. (And neither do you.) But I do have a bad reaction to bullies. And I’ve reached my limit.
I hope you have too. Therefore…
I endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States because I oppose bullying in all its forms.
I don’t defend Trump’s personal life. Neither Trump nor Clinton are role models for our children. Let’s call that a tie, at worst.
The bullies are welcome to drown in their own bile while those of us who want a better world do what we’ve been doing for hundreds of years: Work to make it better while others complain about how we’re doing it.
Today I put Trump’s odds of winning in a landslide back to 98%. Remember, I told you a few weeks ago that Trump couldn’t win unless “something changed.”
Something just changed.
You might like my book because Clinton’s bullies have been giving it one-star reviews on Amazon to punish me for blogging about Trump’s persuasion skills.
N.S.: I have found the Adams essays on Trump that I have read brilliant, but I think he has been disingenuous all along, regarding his support for Trump. It was clear to me a year ago, with his the essay of his that I read on the presidential race, that he was a Trump supporter. Thus, I find the following passage disingenuous.
“As I often say, I don’t know who has the best policies. I don’t know the best way to fight ISIS and I don’t know how to fix healthcare or trade deals. I don’t know which tax policies are best to lift the economy. I don’t know the best way to handle any of that stuff. (And neither do you.) But I do have a bad reaction to bullies. And I’ve reached my limit.
“I hope you have too. Therefore…
“I endorse Donald Trump for President of the United States because I oppose bullying in all its forms.”
Of course, Adams supports Trump’s policy positions. Why, then is he so shallow and slippery about it? Probably for the same reason he gave why other people won’t openly support Trump—out of fear that Trump-haters would destroy his life.
Monday, October 24, 2016
The Red Shoes: Crips Who Carried Out Death Penalty Against Retarded Black Man for Wearing Red Sneakers, Will Not Receive Justice
By Reader-Researcher RC
"LOS ANGELES ( — Two gang members were convicted Monday of killing a 19-year-old man with special needs because he was wearing red shoes, prosecutors said."
2 L.A. Gang Members Convicted Of Killing Special-Needs Man For Wearing Red Shoes, Prosecutors Say
"Both men are expected to be sentenced to 50 years to life in state prison."
Janet Reno murdered far more.
And she walked.
Sensible shoes indeed.
Urban Dictionary: wears sensible shoes
"you know .....Leslie wears sensible might have a chance with her"
Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin'
"'These Boots Are Made for Walkin' is a pop song musically composed by Lee Hazlewood and first written and recorded by Nancy Sinatra. It was released in February 1966 ..."
"LOS ANGELES ( — Two gang members were convicted Monday of killing a 19-year-old man with special needs because he was wearing red shoes, prosecutors said."
2 L.A. Gang Members Convicted Of Killing Special-Needs Man For Wearing Red Shoes, Prosecutors Say
"Both men are expected to be sentenced to 50 years to life in state prison."
Janet Reno murdered far more.
And she walked.
Sensible shoes indeed.
Urban Dictionary: wears sensible shoes
"you know .....Leslie wears sensible might have a chance with her"
Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin'
"'These Boots Are Made for Walkin' is a pop song musically composed by Lee Hazlewood and first written and recorded by Nancy Sinatra. It was released in February 1966 ..."
Coverage Comparison: How Much Time Nets Devote to Attacking Donald Trump, vs. Reporting on Wikileaks (Infographic)
#SourcesHaveConfirmed that there are no more reliable sources.
— [REDACTED] (@MissLizzyNJ) October 24, 2016
Perhaps the Funniest TV Campaign Ad Ever! (One-Minute Video)
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
I thank the friend who sent me this TV election spot.
Gerald Daugherty, of Austin, Texas, is a county commissioner for Western Travis County.
Please Re-Elect Gerald
Published on Oct 5, 2016
Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty is a proven fighter for better roads, lower taxes, and responsible county spending. Keep Gerald working for us - Vote on November 8.
I thank the friend who sent me this TV election spot.
Gerald Daugherty, of Austin, Texas, is a county commissioner for Western Travis County.
Please Re-Elect Gerald
Published on Oct 5, 2016
Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty is a proven fighter for better roads, lower taxes, and responsible county spending. Keep Gerald working for us - Vote on November 8.
The Good News: Notorious Communist Activist and Former Mr. Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, Dead at 76; the Bad News: He Died of Natural Causes
By Reader-Researcher RC
“LOS ANGELES ( — The LA Times is reporting that Tom Hyden [sic], political activist, author, lecturer, leading progressive, former California State Senator and one-time husband to Oscar-winning actress Jane Fonda, has died.”
Political Activist, Former California State Senator Tom Hayden Dead at 76
“A former LBJ speechwriter, Richard N. Goodwin, once said of Hayden, ‘without even knowing it, [he] inspired the Great Society.’”
Goodbye, and good riddance.
Next up for the Grim Reaper: Jane “Hanoi Jane” Fonda.
“LOS ANGELES ( — The LA Times is reporting that Tom Hyden [sic], political activist, author, lecturer, leading progressive, former California State Senator and one-time husband to Oscar-winning actress Jane Fonda, has died.”
Political Activist, Former California State Senator Tom Hayden Dead at 76
“A former LBJ speechwriter, Richard N. Goodwin, once said of Hayden, ‘without even knowing it, [he] inspired the Great Society.’”
Goodbye, and good riddance.
Next up for the Grim Reaper: Jane “Hanoi Jane” Fonda.
How Hillary Clinton Could Win the Election, Yet Lose the Presidency
By Nicholas Stix
The most obvious scenario would be for her to die on November 9th or thereafter.
A second scenario would be due to her becoming incapacitated, which I believe has already been the case for some time.
However, political analyst/scientist Countenance, who has made me famous for being his biggest fan, came up with an intriguing third possible scenario already on June 30.
The most obvious scenario would be for her to die on November 9th or thereafter.
A second scenario would be due to her becoming incapacitated, which I believe has already been the case for some time.
However, political analyst/scientist Countenance, who has made me famous for being his biggest fan, came up with an intriguing third possible scenario already on June 30.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Dominique Heaggan-Brown, the Black Cop Who Shot Black Milwaukee Thug Syville Smith Dead, Which Blacks Used as Pretext to Riot, Now Arrested Under Suspicion of being a Serial, Homosexual Rapist!
Excerpted by Nicholas Stix
[Of related interest: “Another Associated Press Scandal: Wire Service Covers Up Black-Male-on-White-Male Rape Spree.”]
'I'm the boss:' Cop who sparked protests in Milwaukee after he fatally shot black man 'raped fellow male drinker the next night after watching rioting on TV in a bar while bragging he could do what he wanted'
• Dominique Heaggan-Brown was arrested Wednesday in Milwaukee
• Accused of sexually assaulting unidentified man while off-duty August 15
• Sex complaint was made two days after Heaggan-Brown fatally shot Sylville Smith, 23
• Police say Smith was holding a gun but his death sparked mass protests
• Victim told investigators that Heaggan-Brown bragged he was the boss while drinking at a bar while they watched TV coverage of the protests
• He said he drank too much, passed out and woke up feeling drugged to find Heaggan-Brown sexually assaulting him
• Heaggan-Brown later texted a mentor that he had messed up 'big time' and claimed the sex was consensual
• Using phone data investigators since determined that Heaggan-Brown offered two other people money for sex several times last year
• Also sexually assaulted and photographed an unconscious, naked person [?]
By Associated Press
Published: 10:18 EST, 20 October 2016 | Updated: 18:03 EST, 20 October 2016
Daily Mail
A Milwaukee police officer who fatally shot a black man in August, sparking several nights of unrest, has been charged with sexually assaulting a man the night after the shooting, after they watched coverage of the riots on television at a bar, authorities said Thursday.
Officer Dominique Heaggan-Brown, 24, was arrested Wednesday.
The alleged victim, unidentified in a criminal complaint, told police on Aug. 15 that Heaggan-Brown had sexually assaulted him while off duty.
Heaggan-Brown fatally shot 23-year-old Sylville Smith on Aug. 13. Police said he was holding a gun when he was shot after a brief chase.
Dominique Heaggan-Brown was arrested on Wednesday and charged with sexual assault
Police said Heaggan-Brown is suspended and in custody and they have launched an internal investigation. Police Chief Ed Flynn told reporters during a news conference that nothing in Heaggan-Brown's pre-hiring background check suggested he would be likely to engage in wrongdoing.
[What “background check”? Police departments’ approach to background checks of members of affirmative action groups is, “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”]
'It's altogether awful,' Flynn said. 'This individual has revealed his character in a way that did not come to light in the pre-hiring investigation.'
Heaggan-Brown's attorney, Michael Steinle, didn't immediately respond to messages seeking comment. Heaggan-Brown's bail was set at $100,000. He's set to appear at a preliminary hearing on Oct. 27.
According to the criminal complaint:
Heaggan-Brown took the victim to a bar late on the night of Aug. 14 where they drank heavily and watched TV as coverage of the protests aired.
The victim told investigators that Heaggan-Brown bragged that he was the boss and that there were 'no limitations' on how he lived and that he could do whatever he wanted 'without repercussions.'
The victim told police the day after the alleged assault that he had trouble remembering everything that happened after they left the bar but that he felt drugged.
Heaggan-Brown is the officer who shot dead 23-year-old Sylville Smith (pictured) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in August
He said he woke up to Heaggan-Brown sexually assaulting him.
The complaint said Heaggan-Brown took the man to St. Joseph's Hospital early on Aug. 15. The officer told a security guard who helped him wheel the man inside that the man had had too much to drink and was 'completely out, zonked out of his gourd.'
But when nurses began providing aid, the man 'flipped out,' grabbed a security guard's arm and exclaimed: 'He raped me, he raped me,' indicating Heaggan-Brown.
Later that morning, Heaggan-Brown texted his mentor, Sgt. Joseph Hall, saying he had messed up 'big time.'
'Need your help big time. ... But need to handle this the most secret and right way possible,' the text read in part. The sergeant told investigators that Heaggan-Brown claimed the sex was consensual.
Flynn said Thursday that Hall reported his contact with Heaggan-Brown to command staff but the sergeant is under internal investigation as well. Hall remains on duty.
'We're going to get to the bottom of what that exchange was about,' Flynn said.
Using photographs and other data from the officer's cellphone, the complaint said, investigators determined that Heaggan-Brown offered two other people money for sex several times — in December 2015 and in July and August of this year — and that he sexually assaulted another unconscious person in July, and photographed that victim naked without that person's consent.
The charges include two felony counts of second-degree sexual assault, two misdemeanor prostitution counts and one felony count of capturing an intimate representation of a person without consent.
The head of Milwaukee's police union said in a statement that the facts of the case will dictate the outcome.
'The MPA condemns all criminal behavior by any member of society, whether part of this organization or not,' the union's president, Mike Crivello, said in the statement.
Heaggan-Brown joined the police department in July 2010 as an aide.
[Classic, backdoor, affirmative action entry.]
Smith's death set off several nights of protests in Milwaukee. Above, police move in on a crowd throwing rocks in Milwaukee on August 14, while Haeggan-Brown was watching tv coverage with the alleged victim
Like Smith, the man who was fatally shot, Heaggan-Brown is black. He was assigned to patrol the city's heavily minority north side.
Flynn has said that Smith was fleeing from a traffic stop when he was shot. Heaggan-Brown's body camera showed that Smith was shot after he turned toward an officer with a gun in his hand, according to investigators.
Smith's death sparked two nights of violence in the Sherman Park neighborhood, with several businesses burned. It also ramped up long-festering racial tension in Milwaukee.
The Wisconsin Department of Justice investigated Smith's death and has turned the case over to Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm for a charging decision. It's not clear when a decision in that case will be made.
Flynn said Thursday that none of the alleged sexual assault victims are connected to Smith's family.

Mass Shooting Late Saturday Night in East Oakland Leaves Seven Wounded
By Reader-Researcher RC
7 wounded in East Oakland shooting
Seven men were wounded in a chaotic East Oakland shooting that continued even after officers scrambled to the scene late Saturday, police said. The violent clash prompted multiple police officers to move door to door through the neighborhood in search of possible suspects, said Officer Johnna Watson, an Oakland police spokeswoman. Patrol officers were first alerted by a bystander around 11:45 p.m. Saturday about gunfire at 77th and Bancroft avenues, police said. When officers arrived at the scene, gunfire continued to erupt and multiple people were injured with gunshot wounds, Watson said.
7 wounded in East Oakland shooting
Seven men were wounded in a chaotic East Oakland shooting that continued even after officers scrambled to the scene late Saturday, police said. The violent clash prompted multiple police officers to move door to door through the neighborhood in search of possible suspects, said Officer Johnna Watson, an Oakland police spokeswoman. Patrol officers were first alerted by a bystander around 11:45 p.m. Saturday about gunfire at 77th and Bancroft avenues, police said. When officers arrived at the scene, gunfire continued to erupt and multiple people were injured with gunshot wounds, Watson said.
In Virginia, Hispanic Female Arrested, Charged with Poisoning Colleagues Multiple Times; Suspect's Citizenship Status Not Known
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
[P.S.: I'm no longer sure who sent me this one.]
Thanks to Prince George’s County Ex-Pat for this article.
The following article contains some usage errors which have become increasingly common in recent years.
“[W]here she had previously worked…”
Unless you are saying that she allegedly went back to her former place of employment to commit the crime, you should say, “where she had worked…”
Similarly, the subhed should be “Several people say they became ill after an employee at a Sterling company…,” not an “ex-employee…”
Reporters constantly write that an “ex-this or ex-that” was arrested for what he did at the job that he was surely carrying out at the time, and from which he was only fired, after he was arrested. Thus, he was not an “ex-this or ex-that,” but a “this or that.”
Suspect Arrested for Pouring Cleaning Fluid into Office Coffee Maker: LCSO
Several people say they became ill after an ex-employee at a Sterling company allegedly poured cleaning fluid into the office coffee maker.
By Sharon Reed (Patch Staff)
October 21, 2016 11:26 a.m. ET
LOUDOUN COUNTY, VA — A Sterling woman was arrested for allegedly pouring a cleaning agent into a coffee maker over several weeks at a business where she had previously worked, according to the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office (LCSO).
Deputies say that several employees of the company located in the 45000 block of Ocean Court in Sterling reported that they have been ill on Oct. 13.
The subject was identified as Mayda E. Rivera-Juarez, 32, of Sterling.
[Rivera is probably not from Sterling, but merely stays there.]
Rivera-Juarez was arrested on October 21 and charged with Felony Assault (Adulteration of Food, Drug, with Intent).
She is being held at the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center without bond, according to the LCSO.
[P.S.: I'm no longer sure who sent me this one.]
Thanks to Prince George’s County Ex-Pat for this article.
The following article contains some usage errors which have become increasingly common in recent years.
“[W]here she had previously worked…”
Unless you are saying that she allegedly went back to her former place of employment to commit the crime, you should say, “where she had worked…”
Similarly, the subhed should be “Several people say they became ill after an employee at a Sterling company…,” not an “ex-employee…”
Reporters constantly write that an “ex-this or ex-that” was arrested for what he did at the job that he was surely carrying out at the time, and from which he was only fired, after he was arrested. Thus, he was not an “ex-this or ex-that,” but a “this or that.”
Suspect Arrested for Pouring Cleaning Fluid into Office Coffee Maker: LCSO
Several people say they became ill after an ex-employee at a Sterling company allegedly poured cleaning fluid into the office coffee maker.
By Sharon Reed (Patch Staff)
October 21, 2016 11:26 a.m. ET
LOUDOUN COUNTY, VA — A Sterling woman was arrested for allegedly pouring a cleaning agent into a coffee maker over several weeks at a business where she had previously worked, according to the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office (LCSO).
Deputies say that several employees of the company located in the 45000 block of Ocean Court in Sterling reported that they have been ill on Oct. 13.
The subject was identified as Mayda E. Rivera-Juarez, 32, of Sterling.
[Rivera is probably not from Sterling, but merely stays there.]
Rivera-Juarez was arrested on October 21 and charged with Felony Assault (Adulteration of Food, Drug, with Intent).
She is being held at the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center without bond, according to the LCSO.
Watch Complete Interview of Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Grilling Racist, Crooked, DNC Chief Donna Brazille about the Latter’s Conspiracy with CNN and the Clinton Campaign, and the Campaign’s Inciting Violence at Trump Rallies (Video)
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Megyn Kelly Grills Donna Brazille on Democrats Inciting Violence at Trump Rally, Podesta Emails
Published on Oct 19, 2016
10/19/16 - FULL INTERVIEW - Megyn Kelly Grills Donna Brazile on Democrats Inciting Violence at Trump Rally and Podesta Emails Showing Received Questions in Advance! - Fox News
Megyn Kelly Grills Donna Brazille on Democrats Inciting Violence at Trump Rally, Podesta Emails
Published on Oct 19, 2016
10/19/16 - FULL INTERVIEW - Megyn Kelly Grills Donna Brazile on Democrats Inciting Violence at Trump Rally and Podesta Emails Showing Received Questions in Advance! - Fox News
Radio Derb: Magical Thinking at the New York Post
E-Mail from an old friend
Subject below starts (omitted below) with conflict over borders of a good public school in NYC, PS199:
The [New York] Post is normally a pretty sensible paper; but race denialism does to IQ what Sherman did to Georgia. Here is an actual quote from their October 19th editorial, quote:
The core problem remains the ugly fact that the city's worst schools are overwhelmingly in minority neighborhoods.
End quote. Just savor that, and think about the mentality behind it.
We have fun at with what we call Magic Dirt Theory: the notion that differences in the overall performance of different races are caused by people just being in the wrong place.
Well, you see in that quote from the Post that it's not just Magic Dirt, it's Magic Bricks and Mortar, too. See, there are these bad schools. New York's PS 191, for example, has low test scores, and it shows up regularly on New York State's annual list of most dangerous schools.
What makes a school bad? It must be the construction materials it's made from. The bricks and mortar exude invisible, noxious vapors that make the students dull-witted and violent. What else could it be? And look: These bad schools are, quote, "overwhelmingly in minority neighborhoods." How evil is that — to put these bad schools with their poisonous bricks in neighborhoods full of blacks and Hispanics?
Why don't we build good schools in minority neighborhoods — schools made out of good construction materials, that don't make the kids dumb and unruly? Why does nobody think to do that? Don't black lives matter? Look at the injustice!
That is the actual mentality of race denialists. That's what they believe. It's magical thinking, at a level that would disgrace headhunters in the Amazon jungle.
The hypocrisy of those Upper West Side parents is, as I said, amusing and entertaining to watch. The willed self-enstupidation of those who shape public opinion is not amusing, not entertaining. It's depressing and alarming, and bodes nothing but ill for our civilization.
Subject below starts (omitted below) with conflict over borders of a good public school in NYC, PS199:
The [New York] Post is normally a pretty sensible paper; but race denialism does to IQ what Sherman did to Georgia. Here is an actual quote from their October 19th editorial, quote:
The core problem remains the ugly fact that the city's worst schools are overwhelmingly in minority neighborhoods.
End quote. Just savor that, and think about the mentality behind it.
We have fun at with what we call Magic Dirt Theory: the notion that differences in the overall performance of different races are caused by people just being in the wrong place.
Well, you see in that quote from the Post that it's not just Magic Dirt, it's Magic Bricks and Mortar, too. See, there are these bad schools. New York's PS 191, for example, has low test scores, and it shows up regularly on New York State's annual list of most dangerous schools.
What makes a school bad? It must be the construction materials it's made from. The bricks and mortar exude invisible, noxious vapors that make the students dull-witted and violent. What else could it be? And look: These bad schools are, quote, "overwhelmingly in minority neighborhoods." How evil is that — to put these bad schools with their poisonous bricks in neighborhoods full of blacks and Hispanics?
Why don't we build good schools in minority neighborhoods — schools made out of good construction materials, that don't make the kids dumb and unruly? Why does nobody think to do that? Don't black lives matter? Look at the injustice!
That is the actual mentality of race denialists. That's what they believe. It's magical thinking, at a level that would disgrace headhunters in the Amazon jungle.
The hypocrisy of those Upper West Side parents is, as I said, amusing and entertaining to watch. The willed self-enstupidation of those who shape public opinion is not amusing, not entertaining. It's depressing and alarming, and bodes nothing but ill for our civilization.
“President Tim Kaine”
By Nicholas Stix
If Hillary Clinton wins the election, given her poor health, it is highly unlikely that she will complete a single term of office. That would leave us with Tim Kaine as president.
Thomas Meehan has vetted Kaine; a pull quote follows:
If Hillary Clinton wins the election, given her poor health, it is highly unlikely that she will complete a single term of office. That would leave us with Tim Kaine as president.
Thomas Meehan has vetted Kaine; a pull quote follows:
Judging by his campaign photos, Kaine has an almost cuddly, angelic look. He radiates trust and concern. I hate that in a man.[Read the whole thing here.]
Grand Rapids Has Fallen (Trigger Warnings!)
By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Nigs shoot fellow nigs at funeral in GR.
I posted the shooting spree last week—one jig dusted, eight more with shrapnel. But this guy must have really been well liked (chuckle), because the family got gunfire at his funeral (one 53-year-old shot in the head).
“‘I hear the saying, “Black Lives Matter.” I have to ask that question – do it really matter? I got 27 pictures right now in front of my restaurant of kids that’s been killed, due to street violence and every last one of them was killed by another black. So, do we matter to each other?,’ said Libbet, who is black. ‘That’s the question.’”
Grand Rapids is failing fast. An hour ago, a block away from my house, cops poured into a house, cut off the street traffic, and who knows what the eff was going on? Maybe something on GR Crimestoppers tomorrow. Probably a nig house. Never saw this 15 years ago, that's for sure.
Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 1:39:00 AM EDT
A follow-up to the incident described in my last paragraph. The following story occurred in the same one block radius as the midnight event, near my house...only five hours later. Coincidence? I think not.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Grand Rapids police are investigating a shooting that injured two people, and say no one is in custody.
Police were called to the area of Walker and White Avenues [GRA: one block from me] around 5:30 a.m. Saturday. When police arrived, they found one person who had been shot in the arm. Her injuries are said to be non-life threatening.
GRPD told 24 Hour News 8 that they are investigating a possible second scene in the area of W Fulton Street and Gunnison Avenue SW [ghetto black/Mexican]. Police say they found a second victim suffering from a non-life threatening gunshot wound to the knee.
Police believe both were shot in the area of Fulton Street and Gunnison Avenue. The shooting is believed to be connected to a dispute [?!] at a nearby motorcycle club.
Authorities do not have a description of any possible suspects.
[GRA: That whole area was white 15 years ago. Hardworking Polacks... now, no one works over there—porch-dwelling heaven. The motorcycle club USED to be white. Whether a black/white confrontation took place, we'll find out as details emerge. Horrible city.]
Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 1:35:00 PM EDT
Nigs shoot fellow nigs at funeral in GR.
I posted the shooting spree last week—one jig dusted, eight more with shrapnel. But this guy must have really been well liked (chuckle), because the family got gunfire at his funeral (one 53-year-old shot in the head).
“‘I hear the saying, “Black Lives Matter.” I have to ask that question – do it really matter? I got 27 pictures right now in front of my restaurant of kids that’s been killed, due to street violence and every last one of them was killed by another black. So, do we matter to each other?,’ said Libbet, who is black. ‘That’s the question.’”
Grand Rapids is failing fast. An hour ago, a block away from my house, cops poured into a house, cut off the street traffic, and who knows what the eff was going on? Maybe something on GR Crimestoppers tomorrow. Probably a nig house. Never saw this 15 years ago, that's for sure.
Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 1:39:00 AM EDT
A follow-up to the incident described in my last paragraph. The following story occurred in the same one block radius as the midnight event, near my house...only five hours later. Coincidence? I think not.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Grand Rapids police are investigating a shooting that injured two people, and say no one is in custody.
Police were called to the area of Walker and White Avenues [GRA: one block from me] around 5:30 a.m. Saturday. When police arrived, they found one person who had been shot in the arm. Her injuries are said to be non-life threatening.
GRPD told 24 Hour News 8 that they are investigating a possible second scene in the area of W Fulton Street and Gunnison Avenue SW [ghetto black/Mexican]. Police say they found a second victim suffering from a non-life threatening gunshot wound to the knee.
Police believe both were shot in the area of Fulton Street and Gunnison Avenue. The shooting is believed to be connected to a dispute [?!] at a nearby motorcycle club.
Authorities do not have a description of any possible suspects.
[GRA: That whole area was white 15 years ago. Hardworking Polacks... now, no one works over there—porch-dwelling heaven. The motorcycle club USED to be white. Whether a black/white confrontation took place, we'll find out as details emerge. Horrible city.]
Saturday, October 22, 2016 at 1:35:00 PM EDT
Viennese Police Cover-Up Fails: Two Months After Austrian Boy, 10, was Savagely Raped at Public Pool by an Iraqi “Refugee,” Police Finally Acknowledge Crime
Re-posted and translated from the German by Nicholas Stix [Previously posted at WEJB/NSU on February 6, 2016.]
(Original version follows translation.)
[See October 23, 2016 update:
“Anarcho-Tyranny in Austria, Where Rapefugees Now Have the Blessing of the ‘Law’: Austrian Supreme Court Proclaims that Iraqi ‘Refugee’ Who Confessed to Raping 10-Year-Old Austrian Boy at Swimming Pool was Innocent.”]
Boy Raped in Viennese Pool – Iraqi Confesses
“Sexual Emergency”
February 5, 1:07 p.m.
Die Krone (The Crown)
What the “Crown” already reported in December has now been officially acknowledged by the police: a 10-year-old boy was raped on December 2 of last year in an indoor public pool in Vienna-Meidling. He suffered such massive injuries from the attack that he required treatment in the AKH Pediatric Clinic. The suspected perpetrator, a refugee from Iraq, was arrested at the scene of the crime, and has confessed.
According to a police report, in his police interrogation, the man, who had made it to Austria via the Balkan Route on September 13, gave a confession, as to the facts. In his confession, he spoke of a “sexual emergency.” He “followed desires. I haven’t had any sex in four months.” The criminal investigators insist that those were the suspect’s exact words.
“Made a Huge Mistake”
At first, he consorted in Iraq with a woman, however not with his wife, who after the birth of their daughter was “always sick.” The gist of the interrogation protocol was that in Austria, he “couldn’t stand not having sex, because I have an extraordinary, overwhelming, sexual energy.” [We’ve heard the same line from Moslem “rapefugees” in Germany.] When police asked the refugee if it wasn’t also forbidden to have sex with 10-year-old boys in Iraq, he responded, “Such an act is forbidden in every country in the world.” He knows that he has “made a huge mistake,” and “left the boy with a huge scar.”
At First, the Police Did Not Want to Make the Case Public
On Friday, agency spokeswoman Nina Bussek acknowledged that the State’s Attorney charged the 20-year-old with rape and extreme sexual abuse of a minor. The suspect is in investigative custody. As Thomas Keiblinger, spokesman for the State Police Directorate explained, the police did not officially go public with the crime, “in order to protect the victim.”
In cases of sex crimes, it will be balanced whether the circumstances of the concrete case justify publicizing it. Keiblinger insisted that “it in no way played a role” that one would seek to cover up an act, in order to keep public opinion from being agitated, because the suspected refugee had only been in the country for a few weeks. Only recently had the report come out of an asylum applicant who had raped an 18-year-old female in the [Viennese] Prater amusement park.
10-Year-Old Raped in a Bathroom Stall
The ten-year-old had gone to the Theresa Pool not far from Meidling’s Main Street, where he became acquainted with a 15-year-old while swimming around the pool. The 15-year-old was in the company of the 20-year-old Iraqi who, according to the statement of the victim, ultimately grabbed the 10-year-old’s hand, dragged him into a bathroom stall, latched the door, pulled down the boy’s swimming trunks, and went at him.
The boy screamed in pain, but no one heard him. After the 20-year-old had satisfied himself, he left the bathroom and entertained himself, jumping off the 10-foot diving board. The ten-year-old, who had suffered extreme injuries in the anal area, ultimately confided in the lifeguard, who immediately contacted the police. For the 20-year-old, who had worked in Iraq as a taxi driver, and who lived in Austria off of state welfare, the handcuffs clicked shut, while he was still in his bathing suit.
Commenting has been deactivated.
Bub in Wiener Bad vergewaltigt - Iraker geständig
"Sexueller Notstand"
05.02.2016, 13:07
Was die "Krone" bereits im Dezember berichtete, wurde nun von der Polizei offiziell bekannt gegeben: Ein zehnjähriger Bub ist am 2. Dezember des Vorjahres in einem Hallenbad in Wien- Meidling vergewaltigt worden. Er trug derart massive Verletzungen davon, dass er in der Kinderklinik des AKH behandelt werden musste. Der mutmaßliche Täter, ein Flüchtling aus dem Irak, konnte noch am Tatort festgenommen werden und ist geständig.
In seiner polizeilichen Vernehmung legte der Mann, der am 13. September über die Balkan- Route nach Österreich gelangt war, laut Poizeibericht ein Tatsachengeständnis ab. Er sprach dabei von "sexuellem Notstand". Er sei seinen "Gelüsten nachgegangen. Ich habe seit vier Monaten keinen Sex mehr gehabt", hielten die Kriminalisten die Angaben des Verdächtigen wörtlich fest.
"Habe einen Riesenfehler gemacht"
Zuletzt habe er im Irak mit einer Frau verkehrt, allerdings nicht mit seiner Ehefrau, die seit der Geburt der gemeinsamen Tochter "immer krank" sei. In Österreich habe er "es nicht ausgehalten, keinen Sex zu haben, weil ich eine ausgeprägte überschüssige sexuelle Energie habe", ist dem Einvernahmeprotokoll weiter zu entnehmen. Auf die Frage der Beamten, ob es nicht auch im Irak verboten sei, mit zehnjährigen Buben Sex zu haben, antwortete der Flüchtling: "So etwas ist in jedem Land der Welt verboten." Er wisse, dass er "einen Riesenfehler gemacht" und "bei dem Buben eine große Narbe hinterlassen" habe.
Polizei wollte Fall vorerst nicht veröffentlichen
Die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen den 20- Jährigen wegen Vergewaltigung und schweren sexuellen Missbrauchs von Unmündigen, bestätigte Behördensprecherin Nina Bussek am Freitag. Er befindet sich in U- Haft. Die Polizei war mit dem Fall vorerst "aus Opferschutzgründen" nicht offiziell an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen, wie Thomas Keiblinger, der Sprecher der Landespolizeidirektion, erklärte.
Bei Sexualdelikten werde abgewogen, ob die Umstände des konkreten Falles ein Publikmachen rechtfertigen. Dass man die Tat verschweigen wollte, um die Stimmung in der Bevölkerung nicht anzuheizen, weil der verdächtige Flüchtling erst seit wenigen Wochen im Land war, habe "auf keinen Fall eine Rolle gespielt", versicherte Keiblinger. Man habe ja erst unlängst über einen Asylwerber berichtet, der im Prater eine 18- Jährige vergewaltigt hatte.
Zehnjährigen in WC- Kabine vergewaltigt
Der Zehnjährige hatte das Theresienbad unweit der Meidlinger Hauptstraße besucht, wo er beim Herumtollen im Schwimmbecken einen 15- jährigen Buben kennenlernte. In dessen Begleitung befand sich der 20- jährige Iraker, der - so die Angaben des Betroffenen - den Zehnjährigen schließlich an der Hand packte, in eine WC- Kabine drängte, die Tür verriegelte, dem Buben die Badehose herunterzog und sich an ihm verging.
Der Bub schrie vor Schmerzen auf, wurde aber von niemandem gehört. Nachdem er sich befriedigt hatte, verließ der 20- Jährige das WC und vergnügte sich mit Sprüngen vom Dreimeterbrett. Der Zehnjährige, der schwere Verletzungen im Analbereich erlitten hatte, vertraute sich schließlich weinend dem Bademeister an, der unverzüglich die Polizei verständigte. Für den 20- Jährigen, der im Irak als Taxifahrer gearbeitet hatte und in Österreich von der staatlichen Grundversorgung lebte, klickten noch in Badebekleidung die Handschellen.
Die Storykommentare wurden deaktiviert.
Anarcho-Tyranny in Austria, Where Rapefugees Now Have the Blessing of the “Law”: Austrian Supreme Court Proclaims that Iraqi “Refugee” Who Confessed to Raping 10-Year-Old Austrian Boy at Swimming Pool was Innocent
[Previously, on the same case, at WEJB/NSU: “Viennese Police Cover-Up Fails: Two Months After Austrian Boy, 10, was Savagely Raped at Public Pool by an Iraqi “Refugee,” Police Finally Acknowledge Crime.”]
At what point would a father be justified in hunting this monster down and punishing him privately …
— Jubal E. Harshaw (@alimhaider) October 22, 2016
But the rapist confessed!
This is a classic case of what Sam Francis called, “anarcho-tyranny”: The granting of license to criminals, especially non-white criminals, and the tyrannizing of the law-abiding, especially law-abiding whites.
There is no way in heck that the judges who aided and abetted the Iraqi rapist would have acted the same way, had the rapist been a white, Christian, Austrian.
It sounds as if the Austrian jurists let themselves be guided not by Austrian law, but by Moslem social mores, which support all sorts of atrocities, such as pederasty (men’s rape of young boys), gang rapes of girls, and “honor” killings.
In case some sophist should point out that the Austrian High Court didn’t say the rapist was “innocent,” only that prosecutors failed to meet the burden of proof, the prosecutors didn’t have to “make” a case. All they had to do was enter into evidence the medical report of the awful injuries the rapist inflicted on the victim; the victim’s statement; and the perp’s confession. Even if the victim hadn’t resisted (which he did), if a grown man forces his sexual organ into the anus of a little, ten-year-old boy, it’s automatically rape in every Western legal system. Austria is not Iraq or Afghanistan… yet.
It’s not enough to hunt down the rapefugee, and mete out extrajudicial punishment to him. The lawless judges who supported him must also be hunted down and punished…. with extreme prejudice.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Nebraska is being Transformed from America's Breadbasket to Refugeestan
By Reader-Researcher RC
The United States of Refugees
"Consider the state of Nebraska. What comes to mind? Common associations with the Cornhusker state include: row crops, silos, college football, Warren Buffet, and wholesome, earnest Americana. Now try this one: Refugee Capital of the United States."
The United States of Refugees
"Consider the state of Nebraska. What comes to mind? Common associations with the Cornhusker state include: row crops, silos, college football, Warren Buffet, and wholesome, earnest Americana. Now try this one: Refugee Capital of the United States."
Friday, October 21, 2016
Voters are Faced with a Simple Choice
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Letters: Readers examine national candidates, issues
October 19, 2016
Will America remain a sovereign nation? Or not? That is the momentous choice voters face in November. Thanks to the latest WikiLeaks “document dump,” Hillary Clinton’s steadfast refusal to provide transcripts of her many paid Wall Street speeches explains itself. There is, for example, this excerpt from her $225,000 speech in New York to a Brazilian bank in 2013: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders ...”
Hillary Clinton’s dream of open borders is much closer to reality than a few years ago. Recall President Obama’s sweeping, unilateral executive amnesties for millions of illegal aliens. Hillary Clinton promises to expand on the amnesties. To truly distinguish herself, however, she is going to increase the flow of Syrian refugees by 550 percent: “I would like to see us move from what is a good start, from 10,000 [per year] to 65,000 ...”
That’s the simple choice facing voters. Sovereignty, a nation-state, with Trump. Or open borders with Hillary Clinton. That’s her dream. Voters need to decide if it’s also their dream.
Tom Shuford, Lenoir
Letters: Readers examine national candidates, issues
October 19, 2016
Will America remain a sovereign nation? Or not? That is the momentous choice voters face in November. Thanks to the latest WikiLeaks “document dump,” Hillary Clinton’s steadfast refusal to provide transcripts of her many paid Wall Street speeches explains itself. There is, for example, this excerpt from her $225,000 speech in New York to a Brazilian bank in 2013: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders ...”
Hillary Clinton’s dream of open borders is much closer to reality than a few years ago. Recall President Obama’s sweeping, unilateral executive amnesties for millions of illegal aliens. Hillary Clinton promises to expand on the amnesties. To truly distinguish herself, however, she is going to increase the flow of Syrian refugees by 550 percent: “I would like to see us move from what is a good start, from 10,000 [per year] to 65,000 ...”
That’s the simple choice facing voters. Sovereignty, a nation-state, with Trump. Or open borders with Hillary Clinton. That’s her dream. Voters need to decide if it’s also their dream.
Tom Shuford, Lenoir
Wolf Blitzer Just Turned Reality Upside Down, Asserting that Donald Trump Picked a Fight with Jihadi Parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan
By Nicholas Stix
Khizr Khan picked a fight with Trump in Khan’s Democratic National convention speech, and he repeatedly picked fights with Trump, thereafter, even giving his wife permission to attack Trump.
The occasion for Blitzer’s lie was his promotion of a Hillary Clinton TV ad, in which Khizr Khan again baits Trump.
CNN speaks of “an emotional Khizr Khan.” The Washington Post calls the spot, “incredibly powerful.” That’s because Khan weeps on cue.
This is pathetic. The man has attacked Trump so many times, in so many theatrical set ups that no honest, sentient adult who wasn’t already a Trump-hater could find them at all moving.
The Khan-Con got tiresome last summer. It’s now one month into the fall.
Khizr Khan picked a fight with Trump in Khan’s Democratic National convention speech, and he repeatedly picked fights with Trump, thereafter, even giving his wife permission to attack Trump.
The occasion for Blitzer’s lie was his promotion of a Hillary Clinton TV ad, in which Khizr Khan again baits Trump.
CNN speaks of “an emotional Khizr Khan.” The Washington Post calls the spot, “incredibly powerful.” That’s because Khan weeps on cue.
This is pathetic. The man has attacked Trump so many times, in so many theatrical set ups that no honest, sentient adult who wasn’t already a Trump-hater could find them at all moving.
The Khan-Con got tiresome last summer. It’s now one month into the fall.
Hear Carly Simon Sing, “Forever My Love”
Expanded at 1:48 a.m., on Friday, October 21, 2016
[Of Related Interest, at WEJB/NSU:
“‘Embrace Me, You Child,’ by Carly Simon [Updated]”; and
“‘The World’s Just Inside Out and Upside Down’: Carly Simon’s ‘Safe and Sound.’”]
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Well, not exactly forever, but for 11 or 12 years. It was good while it lasted, and the union blessed her with two children.
Forever My Love
Written by Carly Simon and James Taylor
For the Hotcakes album (1974)
Words of love,
Softly spoken,
Like clouds above,
Drift away.
What shall I say?
To let you know the way I feel,
Should I cry out loud that love is real?
Or simply reveal,
Forever my love.
Time alone will tell us,
Lovers born in May,
May grow bitter and jealous,
Faded and gray,
What shall I say?
It's not another lovers’ game,
It doesn't seem to have a name,
It changes and remains the same,
Forever my love… my love.
Yesterday's projection,
Will never really know,
But tomorrow's recollection
Will surely show...
It was so between us,
Ain't no other way,
Time has seen us,
Day after day,
What shall I say?
That isn't in the way I act,
That'll carry through the years intact,
I'm lookin' forward to lookin' back,
From further on down the track,
Together, in fact,
Forever my love… my love.
[Of Related Interest, at WEJB/NSU:
“‘Embrace Me, You Child,’ by Carly Simon [Updated]”; and
“‘The World’s Just Inside Out and Upside Down’: Carly Simon’s ‘Safe and Sound.’”]
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Well, not exactly forever, but for 11 or 12 years. It was good while it lasted, and the union blessed her with two children.
Forever My Love
Written by Carly Simon and James Taylor
For the Hotcakes album (1974)
Words of love,
Softly spoken,
Like clouds above,
Drift away.
What shall I say?
To let you know the way I feel,
Should I cry out loud that love is real?
Or simply reveal,
Forever my love.
Time alone will tell us,
Lovers born in May,
May grow bitter and jealous,
Faded and gray,
What shall I say?
It's not another lovers’ game,
It doesn't seem to have a name,
It changes and remains the same,
Forever my love… my love.
Yesterday's projection,
Will never really know,
But tomorrow's recollection
Will surely show...
It was so between us,
Ain't no other way,
Time has seen us,
Day after day,
What shall I say?
That isn't in the way I act,
That'll carry through the years intact,
I'm lookin' forward to lookin' back,
From further on down the track,
Together, in fact,
Forever my love… my love.
Carly Simon: Warren Beatty Could Do to Women Whatever He Wished
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
“I think it’s shifted. Drugs had a lot to do with that behavior. But if you’re as attractive as Warren was… he could pretty much do anything he wanted to!”
Since Beatty is a hardcore lefty, we will not hear him condemned by Hillary Clinton fans.
“I think it’s shifted. Drugs had a lot to do with that behavior. But if you’re as attractive as Warren was… he could pretty much do anything he wanted to!”
Since Beatty is a hardcore lefty, we will not hear him condemned by Hillary Clinton fans.
Breathing While Left: Left Likens Trump to Hitler, Because It’s Apocalypse Now—but Only Because It’s Apocalypse All the Time
Excerpted by Nicholas Stix
The Left Projects Its Own Rage, Fear, Paranoia, Bigotry, and—Wait for It!—Hate On Donald Trump
By Paul Nachman
October 20, 2016, 1:55 pm
VDARE’s John Derbyshire pointed us to an article at Slate, Springtime for Donald [Slate, October 14, 2016] by the cadaverous-looking William Saletan [Email him] He concedes up front that “There will never be another psychopath quite like Hitler” but then proceeds to liken Trump to the Fuhrer, anyway.
Early on, Saletan says of Trump, “He doesn’t foist his hatreds on others. Instead, he …”
But wait! Where’s Saletan’s evidence that Trump bears “hatreds”? It’s apparently just an automatic assumption for Saletan and company. Or maybe it’s projection?
The rest of Saletan’s article is a litany of point & splutter, there being no attempt to engage with any of the ideas he’s spluttering about….
[Read the whole thing at VDARE.]
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