Sunday, April 08, 2018

He Only Raped and Murdered Old White Women: “Stocking Strangler” War Criminal Carlton Gary Executed for Rape, Murder of 3, but is Believed to Have Raped and Murdered at Least Seven Women in Georgia Alone


“Police arrested six years after the last killing, in May 1984.” So asserts the Daily News. But how would they know that? And why was Gary permitted to hide his eyes for a mug shot?

By Reader-Researcher A.L.

“Gary was convicted in 1986 on three counts each of malice murder, rape and burglary for the 1977 deaths of 89-year-old Florence Scheible, 69-year-old Martha Thurmond and 74-year-old Kathleen Woodruff. Though charged only in those deaths, prosecutors say Gary attacked nine elderly women in the west Georgia city of Columbus from September 1977 to April 1978. Most were choked with stockings, and seven of them died.

“Police arrested Gary six years after the last killing, in May 1984. He became a suspect when a gun stolen during a 1977 burglary in the upscale neighborhood where all but one of the victims lived was traced to him.

“At trial, prosecutors introduced evidence from all nine attacks, arguing that common factors established a pattern. The victims were all older white women who lived alone and were sexually assaulted and choked, usually with stockings. They were attacked at home, usually in the evening, by someone who forced his way inside. All but one of the Georgia victims lived in the Wynnton neighborhood, and all lived near where Gary lived at the time of the crimes.

“Prosecutors also presented evidence that they said connected Gary to similar crimes in New York state.”

[N.S.: Gary may well have also raped and murdered old white women in New York State, but arguing such during his trial for other crimes is unconstitutional, inasmuch as it violates the presumption of innocence, is highly prejudicial, and involves circular thinking. ‘The defendant is guilty of these murders, because he committed those murders, and he’s guilty of those murders, because he committed these murders.’

You have to try a defendant separately for any crimes you’re accusing him of, or shut up. Outside of the courtroom, however, journalists, academics, and civilians alike can talk about all of the crimes he’s suspected of. And once he’s dead or his case has been disposed of, prosecutors can speak and write publicly about him, as well.]

At the Daily News/Associated Press.



Anonymous said...

Being executed doesn't seem like enough punishment for Gary or others like him.He said nothing at the end.But the families of the people he inflicted crimes against continue to suffer.The death penalty doesn't deter crime for most blacks because they're so stupid--they think they'll never get caught--part of their sociopathic makeup.
"They" worry about "cruel and unusual punishment" for black scum like this."They" shouldn't.
--GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Justice was done.

And we can only imagine the response if some whitey dude went around murdering and raping elderly black women.

Anonymous said...

What a big man to find victims who couldn't defend themselves. There should a National database of those who murder children, the elderly and disable.

With depraved people like him, who really knows how many victims there are.

God rest their souls. What a horrible way to die to be targeted by an animal.