Saturday, January 25, 2025

“mlk’s” family seeks to sabotage the release of information about the rapist/plagiarist/Marxist/racist/fake-named one’s murder

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, january 25, 2025 at 10:14:00 a.m. est

mlk’s fambilee wants to check out government info first before it’s released

GRA: “There goes THAT holiday,” they must be sayin,’ “unless we get to erase some sh*t first OURSELVES!”

“(breitbart) The fambilee of mlk [sic] has responded to President Trump’s directive of releasing all information related to mlk’s [sic] assassination, requesting that they be granted the ‘opportunity to review the files as a family prior to its public release.

“Trump, who also ordered the declassification of records relating to the assassinations of former President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy on thursday, stated that ‘everything will be revealed.

“‘a lot of people are waiting for this — for years, for decades. and everything will be revealed,’ the newly sworn in president said as he signed the order:

“Bernice King, Martin [sic] Luther [sic] King Jr.’s youngest child, responded to the announcement in a statement on social media on behalf of her family:

“‘today, our family has learned that President Trump has ordered the declassification of the remaining records pertaining to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert F. Kennedy, and our father, rev. [sic] dr. [sic] Martin [sic] Luther [sic] King, Jr.,” the statement began.

“‘we hope to be provided the opportunity to review the files as a family prior to its public release,” Bernice, 61, added. [GRA: We want to remove all the stuff that make him LOOK BAD y’all—like who he shacked up with at that motel—heh, heh—YOU KNOW.”)

“she has previously stated that she does not believe that the man convicted of pulling off the assassination, James Earl Ray, was guilty.

“Ray, a prison escapee who committed a variety of crimes prior to MLK’s [sic] murder, pleaded guilty to the assassination in order to avoid the death penalty, according to the Washington post. he died about 29 years into his 99-year sentence from health complications.

“‘it pains my heart that James Earl Ray had to spend his life in prison paying for things he didn’t do,’ Bernice told the post in 2018.

“instead of Ray, the King family has said that a conspiracy possibly involving the fbi was behind the fatal shooting.

“there’s an alternate story about Loyd Jowers and Frank Liberto and a hit for $100,000 which the doj has dismissed.


N.S.: blacks and the fbi. they just make up stories, out of thin air. And they have compassion even for White murderers. Same deal with malcolm little, when they know it was the noi that murdered him. And everything about the man was fake. Might as well just call him "sic."

1 comment:

AbolishTenure said...

Very very very very long article from Amren in 1998, "The King Holiday and Its Meaning" by Samuel Francis.

Key point for us today: There's material that Senators were not allowed to see when the MLK Holiday was being debated because it was sealed until 2027. IF (big IF) it's still there in the files, we're in for an entertaining release. If it's not in the files, somebody destroyed a lot. And there is a lot.

EXCERPT: Charles D. Brennan... who had served as Assistant Director of the FBI, stated that he had personally been involved in the FBI surveillance of King ... “orgiastic and adulterous escapades, ... frequently drank to excess and at times exhibited extreme emotional instability ...” ... Mr. Brennan also acknowledged: It was muck the FBI collected. It was not the FBI’s most shining hour. There would be no point in wallowing in it again. The point is that the muck is there. It is there in the form of transcripts, recordings, photos, and logs. It is there in great quantity. There are volumes of material labeled “obscene.’ Future historians just will not be able to avoid it.

It is precisely this material that is sealed under court order until the year 2027 and to which the Senate was denied access prior to the vote on the King holiday.