Saturday, June 08, 2024

"tide turns as anacostia river begins to recover after decades of pollution"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, june 8, 2024 at 08:00:26 p.m. edt

"tide turns as anacostia river begins to recover after decades of pollution"

White volunteers clean up river in the da' 'hood.

Pretty soon there will be gentrification in southeast Washington.

Not soon enough but soon.

Then the elites will start jabbering about pocs being "displaced."

Wait for it.

N.S.: And then the elites will wage their newest war on "the losers," i.e., Whites with less money than them.


Anonymous said...

Are these readings being taken by the same types who tabulate crime?


Anonymous said...

Negro boys will be fishing on the river banks with their cane poles.

Anonymous said...

"HEY,where'd my fish go?"
"What fish,nigga?"
"My carp and sucker--the GOOD ones,boy."
"Don't look at me, nigga,I didn't steal it."
"They was both right there in that basket you brought wit'you--you ain't pulled no fish in,now youse got 2 in there.''
"You callin' me a fish thief,nigga?"
"Damn straight--And a LIAR too,nigga."

"Well that GRA might be right about us negroes,we all lie our black as*es off."
"Know what else we do?Shoot people for no good reason."
"You shot me over 2 FISH,nigga?I gotta gun too."

Next day headlines:
"No motive in double shooting deaths of two black youths near the river"(except stupidity).