Friday, June 07, 2024

Mixed Feelings about D-Day

[“Julie Nixon Eisenhower Describes Ike’s Visit to Normandy in 1964 (Brief, New Video, Including Eisenhower Video; Just Posted Online for the First Time Today!)”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
friday, june 7, 2024 at 2:29:00 a.m. edt

I’m very torn viewing or reading about 1944. I don’t know what to really think about it all. As I posted on another story, I’m thankful to those vets who went to Europe and Japan to keep America safe, but here we are, 80 years later, in a dissolving country and I’m not in a great mood.

In 1945, nukes were used to end the Pacific theater and from what we are reading lately, they may be used again—AGAINST us and our allies. China may go for Taiwan, and then what do we do—trade nukes with the Chinks? The Ukraine has permission to send our missiles into Russia (supposedly only 200 miles in from the Russian border), but what does Russia eventually do—and then us in response?

Eighty years and we’re sitting in a tenuous spot again. We were still in a Depression as WW II started, but at least then, all our eggs weren’t in one basket. Today, an atomic blast would destroy power grids, computers, factories and water treatment plants.

Stupidity runs rampant—not just from the blacks and mex, though they commit 90% of the crime—which is another horrible aspect of today’s “America.”

I see the 100-year-old men on TV talking, proud of what they did—and they should be.

But did all the casualties we suffered only give us 80 years? It doesn’t seem like enough.



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Just watched Pat Sajak's farewell episode, goodbye sharp wit and enter Seacrest smarm, won't be the same. Pat is 78 but shows no sign of losing any of his powers but maybe he just doesn't want to hang on until the bitter end like Bob Barker did. The winner tonight was a fat annoying negress, makes me wonder if that was somehow planned as a symbolic jab at Pat. I know that's a stretch but I wouldn't be surprised at anything behind the scenes woke zealots might do to one of the few out conservatives in entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Does Seacrest have a personality?Pat Sajak was a very funny,on the ball host.How he did the job for 41 years,in a memorable way,is a remarkable achievement.

I've said this before,but Sajak's hero was Jack Paar and as Pat got older,their physical resemblance--at comparable ages--became almost identical.

Vanna should have probably hung it up too and let Pat's daughter take over turning letters.

I doubt if I'll watch WOF even half as much as when Sajak hosted.

"Jeopardy" did the right thing by hiring Ken Jennings(my only choice)and saved the program.I'll give Seacrest a couple days to impress me.The fun of the game was not JUST the game--it was the host--retiree,Pat Sajak.

But if you can't let yourself retire at 77--when the hell can you?


Anonymous said...

Maybe,Pat didn't want to put up with the blackies being foisted on him,more and more.It could be as simple as that.If management had their way(and it may happen with Seacrest as host)there'd be THREE nig contestants most days of the week.Let's see how THAT dynamic changes