Saturday, June 01, 2024

lynching White America (yet again): White Holocaust mania steals White icons' Babe Ruth & Ty Cobb's places in the record books, and replaces them with minor leaguers, but republican "critics" are no better

By Merlin
saturday, june 1, 2024 at 12:15:57 p.m. edt

die mania removes white icons Babe Ruth & Ty Cobb from record books, but republicans are no better

More anti-Caucasian racism rears its ugly head.


Look at Connor Cavanaugh's lede: "while segregation in America was certainly a mistake, it can’t be undone."

In Cavanaugh's republican racial cowardice, he gave Whites' genocidal enemies all the ammo they need. It was integration in America that was and remains certainly a mistake.

It's bad enough that Josh Gibson had less than one-fifth the at-bats that Ty Cobb had (even here, Cavanaugh pulls his punches, saying, "roughly a fifth of Cobb’s," making it sound as if Gibson had had more than a fifth of Cobb's at-bats, when he actually had fewer than one-fifth as many at-bats as "the Georgia peach."

Several years ago, college football officials stole many wins from Penn State legend Joe Paterno's career record, under the pretext of punishing JoePa for allegedly having harbored a child rapist. On any termks, the pretext was nonsensical, but the real reason, was in order to steal a White man's record, and give it to a black man, Grambling's Eddie Robinson. Yet, if anyone should have had wins subtracted, it was Robinson, who owed scores if not hundreds of victories to segregation, which let him get the pick of black athletes.

I don't know if this is still done (I strongly doubt it), but in the late 1980s and early 1990s, historians used to admit that the negro leagues were inferior to big league baseball, because their pitching and defense were so much worse.

And the stats, such as they are, are also dubious. blacks and their "allies" are never trustworthy in such matters. Several years ago, someone asserted that a female had pitched in the negro leagues during the 1940s and compiled a record of 11-3 in one season. I determined that if that had been the case, she would have been the dominant pitcher in the negro leagues that year. I searched for her record, and found nothing to backing up said claim. I can only imagine that the writer was pandering to feminazis. Next thing you know, the powers that be will be inducting HER into Cooperstown. If so, it wil be up to blacks to block her, since goper squishes will never fight back.

"negro" vs. "Negro": There was never any reason to capitalize the word "negro." According to black nationalist Tony Brown, in the world according to Tony Brown, at the turn of the 20th century, the brilliant but mercurial social scientist, propagandist, and black supremacist W.E.B. DuBois (1868-1963) sent letters to every (major?) newspaper editor in America, demanding that he capitalize "negro." The White editors, supposedly "White supremacists," all acquiesced.

Jackie Robinson: Jackie Robinson does not, and never did belong in baseball's Hall of Fame. Robinson was an excellent player, but not Hall of Fame material. His induction was purely political. And he was racist to the bone. For years, his Dodger teammate, legitimate Hall of Famer, Roy Campanella, was Robinson's best friend, until Robinson cut "Campy" off. Campanella's sin was in refusing to hate all White people. (In a Ken Burns "documentary," the euphemism "racism" is used in place of "Whites.")

The practice institutionalized by baseball, inc. commissioner Bud Selig, of retiring Robinson's uniform number "42," and annually commemorating Robinson's first game for the Dodgers are obscene reminders of the racial politicization of the game, and the diminution of Whites to fifth-class citizenship.

Jackie Robinson must be removed from the Hall, and his uniform number reinstated!

black vanity politics: The euphemism "self-esteem" has been used for app. 70 years for what used to be called "vanity." blacks are obsessed with their own vanity, of which they possess unlimited quanities.

I wasn't even aware that baseball, inc. had just now commingled the minor league stats of the negro leagues with legitimate, big league stats. Since had already done this a couple of years ago, I took for granted that baseball, inc. had done so at the same time.

"mlb takes records away from Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb overnight by incorporating negro leagues stats"

By Connor Cavanaugh may 29, 2024 at 8:36 a.m.

"while segregation in America was certainly a mistake, it can’t be undone.

"no amount of modern liberal revisionism can cover up history. instead, it’ll simply muddy what happened, bringing confusion without undoing the wrongs that have occurred.

"major league baseball has decided to ignore that, however, announcing on tuesday that they would be incoporating negro league records into mlb’s records, according to espn.

"this change has resulted in major shakeups for record holders, dethroning previous batting average record-holder Ty Cobb and slugging king Babe Ruth.

"Cobb managed to maintain a .366 batting average after an insane 11,440 times at bat.

"Babe Ruth held the record for slugging percentage at .690 after 8,399 at-bats.

"and immediately the issue became present as Josh Gibson, the new record holder from the negro league, had a high batting average at .373, but after only 2,168 at-bats, roughly [N.S.: less than] a fifth of Cobb’s.

"according to the new reckoning, Gibson also now beats Ruth in slugging with a .718.

"these two baseball leagues were massively different, not just in the color of the players’ skin, but in who they played, how often they played and the overall funding behind them.

"because of that, it makes comparing their statistics side by side massively flawed.

"while Gibson was undoubtedly a fantastic player, could he have maintained that average after as many times on the plate as Cobb?

"baseball record-keeping is already messy to begin with. what’s counted as a hit, a steal and many more aspects of the game have changed over time.

"adding a whole other league to the mix is only further muddying the waters of the situation.

"but that probably isn’t a concern. Instead, the main concern seems to be what the modern left has made everything about: social justice.

"the decision from mlb likely has very little to do with honoring the players in the negro league and much more covering their butts for having segregated leagues in the past.

"there were many other, better ways that they could have handled this situation, but they chose the most heavy-handed method.

"but even some of the people this was meant to appease aren’t pleased with it. some fans said they’d prefer to see respect for the history of baseball over short-term publicity.

“'as a black person, who loves the game of baseball, and respects the negro leagues, this makes zero sense,' one user tweeted.

"he even suggested an alternative, dividing the history of the game into 'pre & post integration,' giving way to both eras of the game.

“‘fixing’ history is easier, safer, and a lot less meaningful than building a future for the next generation … I supported putting negro league stars in the hall of fame. they earned it,' sports columnist Jason Whitlock wrote on x. 'They never played in the majors. their stats don’t belong there.

"the negro league [sic] undoubtedly had fantastic players like Josh Gibson, who made their mark on baseball, but that doesn’t mean mlb can rewrite history."


Anonymous said...

I posted mucho on this unforgivable decision by the commissar of baseball.An institution is only as good as it's leaders(see Pope Francis),but we happen to have a dimwit(Robert Manfred),who
seemingly fails to understand the underlying components of what makes up statistics.

Just another reason for me to say,"I hate baseball."



Anonymous said...

"Campanella's sin was in refusing to hate all White people."

Campy had a Italian father and a negress mother.

Anonymous said...

OH, just give the colored whatever they want. They will get it eventually. Colored pest agitators and their lackey white advocates always get their way anyhow.