Friday, June 07, 2024

Harassment claims by nappy-headed wnba ho’s have been debunked (again)

By Jerry PDX
friday, june 7, 2024 at 9:08:00 p.m. edt

Harassment claims by nappy headed wnba ho’s have been debunked.

Angel Reese and other members of the chicago sky claimed they were “harassed” when they arrived at their hotel. Turns out video and witnesses at the scene have contradicted their lies.

N.S.: The other debunked lie was racist perp Chennedy Carter’s assertion that she had merely responded to an attack by Caitlin Clark, when she knocked down Clark. The video showed that it was Carter who had caused herself to fall down, when she first sought to harm Clark.


Anonymous said...

Who lies more--blacks or msm?It's now a tie.

The fact that msm reporting has gone totally fictional is directly correlated to the increase in the number of blacks that networks have hired the last few years.

You want more mex crime in the U.S.?Bring more mex in from Mexico.

You want fake news,lies and incitement?Hire more blacks--it's natural to them.

Years ago,nbc had only White reporters--cbs and abc also.I believed them a helluva more than I do now(which is zero).The remaining Whites lie to keep the peace with the blacks who are employed there--and avoid losing their jobs.


Anonymous said...

ZH:Obese Woman Wins Miss Alabama And People Have Questions

GRA:She has to weigh 300-400 lbs.She'll probably win Miss America,fitting since at least half the country is obese too

Just don't call it a beauty contest anymore.

Also in the ZH article was the note that Miss Maryland's rep in Miss America will be an effing man.

Hey Russia,launch those nukes quickly.


Anonymous said...

Negroes always so paranoid. An art form for them.

Don Imus and the nappy headed hoes controversy.

That white fool Pat McAfee called Caitlin a white bitch and he escapes unscathed?

Anonymous said...

You can call a White any name you want,commit any crime against him and media will support the perp(by saying it was deserved or by ignoring it).The 3 year old boy,murdered by a nig,will not be reported anywhere on msm.No outrage against this crime against a Whitey mom and her son.That is showing support for the hate crime by covering it up.