Tuesday, February 13, 2024

wejb/nsu exclusive: triple affirmative action hate hoax in north carolina gets the equivalent of millions of dollars in free publicity!

By Jerry PDX
monday, february 12, 2024 at 10:44:00 p.m. est

Does this one have hoax written all over it or what?


I scouted around trying to find more info on this incident but couldn’t find much. All the signs of a hoax are there: black lesbian couple (at least one is black, other might be indian), no descriptions of the alleged perps, no real damage, no witnesses are cited, except for the lesbian manager who claims a customer and employee saw the men cut the power to the dining room at an outside breaker box (shouldn’t a breaker box be inside and why just the dining room?), but when they yelled at them, one man came back and restored the power (awful nice of him, was he ashamed?). She also claims that the “small mob of racist hooligans rushed the store and defaced the entrance with anti black and anti-Jewish graffiti.” Interesting that despite a claim of multiple witnesses, the race of the perps is not mentioned. If it had actually happened and White men were responsible, the first thing out of their mouths would have been “It was a mob of White men!”

If something did happen and they do find someone, what are the odds they’ll be black? Pretty good, I think, but way more likely they find nobody at all.

How much would it cost to run a commercial promoting their business that gets front-page headlines on many mainstream media outlets? Millions?

We know how this plays out, police won’t find anybody and the story will be quietly shelved. If it does get revealed to be a hoax, it will get token back page mention only. Doesn’t matter, story is out there and getting heavy media rotation with the line “racists doing what racists do best” in the headlines. That’s all the general public will remember.

Check out this excerpt in the article:

“However, the black cultural display at good hot fish stands in stark contrast to the surrounding brewing district in Asheville, which predominantly caters to White consumers.

“academic experts [sic] said this racial dynamic ultimately led to Shanti’s business being singled out.

“‘her character of a chef is top-notch, but because of her color, her gender, and sexual orientation, she is judged to be less,’ said mars hill university history professor Jonathan McCoy, who explained the racially charged episode to the citizen-times.”

Note the article stated academic “experts,” but they only cited one alleged “expert.” These kind of racist woke articles love to make it sound like there is some kind of consensus backing up their lies.

N.S.: Sorry about the delay, Jerry.


Anonymous said...

They don’t even mention the legend race of the alleged perpetrator’s. They were probably masked men or maybe women who knows nothing really is no no other than that the police are searching from people who are racist, sexless and I’m not sure what else they are it does sound like a hoax.

Anonymous said...

negroes think of lies as "black truth"--and the truth will set you free,niggas,that is,if you lie often enough,convolute the facts,make fictious accusations against Whitey,let social media and msm take over after the initial allegations get approved for hijacking by lesta holt types--yes,you can turn REAL justice on its head and defeat it(while making 6 or 7 figures in black lottery winnings).

Call Uncle Ben Crump for more information at


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I should mention that this alleged hate crime occurred February 3rd, so it's been 10 days since it happened and Asheville is a city of only about 90,000 people. Even if the restaurant owners haven't installed security cameras (what business doesn't nowadays?) how could other cameras miss a "mob" of rampaging Whiteys. If they haven't tracked them down by now, very unlikely they even exist.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
A little more on the hate crime hoax: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/racist-sticker-left-outside-asheville-restaurant-chef-says/ar-BB1iadec
Supposedly the entrance was "defaced" by a racist mob that wrote anti black and anti Jewish graffiti plus other epithets. Now the owner says just a racist "sticker" was left on the steps. So what's the truth here? How about she's a bald faced liar.