Friday, February 16, 2024

"Tucker Carlson turns on Putin after Alexei Navalny's death in jail: 'It's horrifying, barbaric and awful - no decent person would defend it'"

By R.C.

"Tucker Carlson turns on Putin after Alexei Navalny's death in jail: 'It's horrifying, barbaric and awful - no decent person would defend it'"


Anonymous said...

He got his interview.


Anonymous said...

Some reliable figures on "our" side have turned on Tucker for the interview, the grocery store visit. It's like you get straight A's, answer one question wrong on the final exam, and boom, it's an F and you're expelled, too.

If Putin is cleaning our clock in the propaganda sweepstakes, it's largely our own fault.

Anonymous said...

Like it wouldn't have happened anyway? Get real.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the real world. The last time we dealt with our enemies properly was when the Rosenbergs were executed. Their followers have paid us back big time for that. Putin isn't going to make the same mistake and see his country destroyed as ours has been. -RM

Anonymous said...

Look what I found (from Wikipedia's entry on Navalny):
"In 2017, Leonid Volkov, Navalny's chief of staff, said that Navalny's team supports the legalisation of same-sex marriage."
"In June 2020, he [Navalny] spoke out in support of the Black Lives Matter protests against racism."
Tell me again how Putin is the Bad Guy. As for Carlson, he's grovelling again- as he did when he was called a "white supremacist," and reacted by denouncing white people. He's just another soulless media hustler. -RM

MacD said...

Tucker is not nearly as smart as many think he is.

Anonymous said...

Or as "courageous" about speaking out on issues as some think he is.Backtracked a lot when he was in FOX.


Anonymous said...

I have decided lately that Tucker is naive and not as well-informed as you would think. Recently he endorsed Vivek Ramasworthy (sp?) for vice president--evidently unaware the Vivek became rich through a "pump-and-dump" con job--pushing investment in a worthless drug and then cashing out. Putin is a thoroughly evil dictator--remember the horrible deaths he caused by poisoning with radioactive material? Both Russia and Ukraine are corrupt hellholes. We should keep our money--this country is already in big trouble.