Friday, February 16, 2024

sexual psycho fake health secretary Richard Leland Levine said something outrageous, and said it in bad English

By R.C.

trans health secretary Rachel Levine claims climate change [sic] 'disproportionately effects' [sic] mental and physical well-being of black Americans

"assistant secretary of health Rachel Levine, 66, made the contentious statement while speaking in a video aiming to enhance health awareness for black communities in the black history month."


Anonymous said...

Doctors better find out what affected HIM and get HIM on some meds.


Anonymous said...

" 'disproportionately effects' [sic] mental and physical well-being of black Americans"

Everything hurts the coloreds. Everything.

Anonymous said...

The latest I heard,which nbc broadcast on its 1 o'clock
noisecast this week,the blacks suffer DISPROPORTIONATELY from the effects of a lack of trees where they live.This causes illnesses(GRA:stupidity and the desire to shoot everyone.)

So there's a massive undertaking to plant trees in the ghetto(so it will be like Africa again?)from funds received by the never ending Biden infrastructure bill of 2 years ago.

True story.


Anonymous said...

When the ghetto is full of trees, they can swing through the trees and take their minds off crime.