Wednesday, February 21, 2024

trillions of tons of buried hydrogen: clean energy gold rush begins

By R.C.
wednesday, february 21, 2024 at 10:44:02p.m. est

trillions of tons of buried hydrogen: clean energy gold rush begins

So, is hydrogen considered to be a so-called "fossil fuel"?

After all hydrogen is one of the constituents of methane, or natural gas.

So, how can there be trillions of tons of hydrogen on planet Earth, yet natural gas is considered a finite fossil fuel?

'Tis a puzzle.

In eastern France, and in other places around the world, deposits of natural hydrogen promise bountiful power. But questions remain.


Anonymous said...

A billion times a billion times we have heard of this endless supply of energy stuff. But it never happens.

Anonymous said...

As the green movement isn't about the environment--it is about control. Carbon dioxide isn't a pollutant--it is the product of animal breathing and in turn allows plants to live. We are carbon life forms and a "carbon-free future" means a future without us or other animals. So if huge sources of hydrogen are discovered and the product of burning hydrogen is H2O--then environazis would have to declare water a pollutant to keep up their scam.