Saturday, February 17, 2024

“the room is filled with the colors and patterns Nnamani calls 'eclectic African. the restaurant is named for the ancient region near egypt and sudan, where Nnamani took inspiration from powerful black pharaohs”

By A Texas Reader
friday, february 16, 2024 at 09:41:53 est

“the room is filled with the colors and patterns Nnamani calls 'eclectic African.' the restaurant is named for the ancient region near egypt and sudan, where Nnamani took inspiration from powerful black pharaohs”

From the dallas morning news:

The bimbo writer repeats the Big Lie about the ancient Egyptians being black.

It won't be long before there is a murder at this restaurant.

Twenty-five years ago the neighborhood was majority white.

Now it is the 'hood.


Anonymous said...

If there were a few thousand White "hoods" patrolling in the area,years ago,there wouldn't be a black "hood" there now.


Anonymous said...

Yep. A very common idea that occurs among American negroes. The ancient Egyptians were black folks and invented everything. Whatever whitey invented so called the blacks invented it first. "Stole" is the word that damned fool Sharpton uses.

Either Wakanda, Black Panther or the ancient Egyptians. Blacks as a species are so confused and ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Sand nig*ers.Maybe there's a smidgeon of truth to the term,lol.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Female negro Pennsylvania judge shoots boyfriend in the head when he tries to break up with her:

Chech this out:

McKnight, 57, an elected judge in Dauphin County since 2016, was suspended without pay in mid-November by the Court of Judicial Discipline after she allegedly violated judicial probation from a previous misconduct case stemming from her alleged interference with the 2020 arrest of her son following a traffic stop, the AP reported. She was acquitted of criminal charges in that incident.

McKnight was also previously charged with shooting her estranged husband in 2019 after she allegedly invited him over to her home to help her move furniture, according to She was not charged in the case after it was ruled to be self-defense.

This is a judge? Sounds more like a one woman crime wave.

Anonymous said...

As I said,commenting about Willis,the black judges I've had the chance to listen to lately,are about equal(or lower) on the nig*er scale than regular black "people".
Yes,I've invented a nig*er scale,rating blacks on a scale of 1-10--with description,job tendencies and percentage of blacks the category applies to.

1)Top nig:Talks fast,lies faster,enough to fool everyone into thinking they're intelligent,but not crooked.Most of this group can read and spell decently--not all.Talk show host,politician,preacher.(1%)

3)Close to the top nig:Not as smooth as #1,still glib--to a point.Some ability to read or spell,but mistakes pop up repeatedly.TV news reporter or works on social media website.(3%)

5)Average nig:Big talker,little to show for it.Barely made it through high school or quit to dabble in crime.A few arrests.A couple women knocked up.KFC,McDonalds,Burger King.(26%)

8)Low class nig:Quit school,gangbanger.Long rap sheet,but not sentenced to life in prison--yet.Possible rapists,domestic abusers.MAY have murdered--but not enough to be caught..Job:Leeching off women.(40%)

10) Killer nigs:Pure felons,the type you put in prison and throw away the key or execute.Not a decent bone in their bodies.Job:Making license plates.(30%)

Between the numbers are variations between one nig or the other.