Wednesday, February 21, 2024

"Decency is on the ballot" (Photos)

Re-posted by N.S.

Correction: Jill Biden is neither a Ph.D. nor an M.D. She's a D.Ed., a doctor of education, what used to be considered the lowest sort of doctorate, though in recent years, it's gotten hard to say what the lowest is.


Anonymous said...

RFK Jr likes Biden?Good grief.


Anonymous said...

It'd be "decent" if Jill sat her husband down and said,"no mas."


Anonymous said...

When I was in college, the education majors were regarded as the stupidest people on campus. I knew an extremely intelligent young woman who decided to go into education--she soon quit in disgust. Those who succeed in education departments must be ready to swallow all the BS and regurgitate it on command.