Tuesday, August 15, 2023

comments from supporters of epa's new power plant rule

tuesday, august 15, 2023 at 10:03:09 a.m. edt

Comments from supporters of epa's new power plant rule

The latest from the manhattan contrarian
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Manhattan Contrarian


Comments From Supporters Of EPA's New Power Plant Rule

* My last post highlighted two lengthy comments submitted to EPA by groups of states critical of the agency's recently-proposed "Power Plant Rule." (EPA's official title: "New Source Performance Standards for GHG Emissions from New and Reconstructed EGUs; Emission Guidelines for GHG Emissions from Existing EGUs; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule." ). * The Rule seeks to eliminate, or nearly so, all greenhouse gas emissions from electric power plants, by some time in the 2030s. The comments that I highlighted delve into substantial technical detail, giving serious reasons why EPA's proposed transformation of the country's electricity generation system is unlikely to work and poses severe risks to the people's electricity supply. * What about on the other side? Are there any comments on the proposed Rule that are supportive of the Rule, and that even contend that its restrictions on use of fossil fuels to generate electricity should be made more stringent, and/or advanced in time? The answer is that there are many such comments. * But how do these supportive comments deal with the problems identified in the critical comments?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New rule:Rapes are now permitted in nuclear power plants in Sweden and the United States.