Sunday, August 13, 2023

erasing Confederates from Arlington national cemetery

By "W"
sunday, august 13, 2023 at 01:13:51p.m. edt

erasing Confederates from Arlington national cemetery

the Fairfax County board asked residents what name they wanted Lee and Lee Jackson blvds changed to. the folks here voted not to change the names at all. to leave them as is. but the damned board changed the names anyway. there is a Naming Commission in the DOJ, to change names from Confederates to someone else. Headed by a female negro "admiral."

As late as fifty years ago, there would have been tens of millions of non-Southern Americans who would have seen instantly how mean and small this is. Today?

I hadn't realized until now that a congressional committee required this BS. They can go to hell.


Anonymous said...


No way to stop it.Put nig*ers in charge--like Georgia and NYC to prosecute Trump--the die is cast.

Have a black jury vs Trump in D.C.--the die is cast.

Have them in jobs like this one,deciding who are our past military heroes--and the die is cast.

Put Dems in charge of voting machines--the die is cast.

Put blacks in as police chiefs,cabinet posts,military leadership--the die is cast.


Anonymous said...

"Headed by a female negro 'admiral.'"

Add injury to insult.

Anonymous said...

That is exactly what is occurring.

Don going to be tried in locales other than FLA. Locales highly unfavorable to him. On purpose. Locales where negroes a significant, even in some cases a predominant portion of the jury pool.

Anonymous said...

(ZH)A disturbing trend in America: New data reveals that suicides and drug overdoses climbed to a record high in 2022. The twin crises have been rapidly accelerating post-Covid and could be a symptom of a worsening nationwide mental health crisis.

Instead of 'woke' corporate media outlets pushing gender identity conversations and warning about the end of the Earth because the hamburger that you eat and the car you drive are allegedly heating the planet (what about El Nino? or the billionaires that fly around in private jets and sail on diesel-powered megayachts?) -- perhaps America's mental health crisis is a more urgent topic.

New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals a staggering 49,500 people took their own lives in 2022, a record high -- that's a 2.6% increase from the prior year.

Of that total,39,000 are males and 10,500,females.Of that total over 37,000 are White.

Drug overdoses surged to 109,000.No breakdown of gender or race was given,but based on past reports,the vast majority are White.Two MORE areas where Whites are being eliminated--which is fine with most media--or you would see panicky reports about these topics.