Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Outraged, non-White, child molester prisoners stab White child molester prisoner multiple times! Breitbart censors prison reality

[“‘riverside doctor’ arrested again on multiple charges of sexual assault.”]

By Jerry PDX
tuesday, july 11, 2023 at 1:15:00 a.m. edt

On a related note, child-molesting doctor Larry Nasssar has been stabbed multiple times in prison:


I posted a comment in Breitbart that went something like this:

“It’s White men that are targeted in this way. blacks in prison say they were pimpin’ some ho’s, so they be good, hispanic prisoners consider it part of their culture, so it’s no big deal. It’s usually only White men that get the stabbings and harassment, or murdered.

About an hour later, the comment was removed.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, july 11, 2023 at 2:47:00  a.m. edt

Breitbart doesn’t like to offend the two blacks who go on their website, so the comment has to go. I was banned at least two or three years ago—good thing, in retrospect, pretty boring bunch on there—arguing about everything, but what’s really ruining the country—blacks and mex.

I could have weaseled my way back on (I had done it a couple times before), but said “screw it.”



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I have any sympathy for White child molesters, I just want mex and black ones to get the same treatment they get. Equality for all I say.

Anonymous said...

"usually only White men that get the stabbings and harassment, or murdered."

Raped, pimped out, extorted. That is why whitey men join Aryan Nation in the prisons. For protection. But then the Aryans treat you probably not a whole lot better.

Anonymous said...

There is violent crime in prison. It probably more or less reflects violent crime outside prison: mostly intra-racial, but when it's interracial, whites are more often victims than perpetrators.

Here is some BJS data from 2018. Not sure if it is broken down by race. In Table 2 it says between 2 and 3% of deaths in state and fed prison were homicide.


"About an hour later, the comment was removed."

Seems like a pretty harmless comment.

Many Breitbart articles get thousands of comments. Older comments can quickly disappear below some kind of "more" tag.


They seem to use Disqus for comments. You need to have an Id and log-in to post a comment, right? And your personal archive of Disqus comments is visible via a link. To see all of your Disqus comments, just find one and click on your Id/the link of your Id. All of your Disqus comments are visible to everyone else too if your profile is public. They can just click on your Id in any comment thread and see all of your Disqus comments, no matter where you posted them.

For example, in the Breitbart article I picked a random comment and clicked on the Id. It's public, so here are all the comments from that person:


The way Disqus works is that even removed comments will appear in the list. There will just be a notice that the comment was removed. It is a red block of color with the word "Removed" in white letters.

So if your comment was removed, you should be able to see that. Here is an example of a Disqus comment that was removed by the website (not Disqus):


You can clearly see that it was removed. In this case the website owner said it was due to the mention of violence (he's a pussy).

So if your comment was removed you should be able to see that.