Sunday, July 09, 2023

haitian grifter wants America to make him the next strong man, so that he can steal billions of dollars in foreign aid

By A Texas Reader
sunday, july 9, 2023 at 08:11:18 p.m. edt

"Toussaint’s goal was to bring together haitians in the u.s., haiti, canada and france in an effort to bring awareness to the escalating gang violence and kidnappings in the caribbean country, and demand something be done."

Where are the Ton Ton Macoutes?!


Anonymous said...

He shipped Haitians to the U.S. "to bring awareness,"to the gangs in HIS country.

And we're supposed to do what?HE'S the leader,do "something" yourself.The sh*thole countries have a never ending supply of lowlifes to export to America.Even if there were only 10 people left in Haiti,the country would suck.Same goes for El Salvador,Cuba, etal.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
He's just like the blacks in this country, one one hand they think of themselves as "Africans" and having their own separate identity and culture within the US, they also want the White man to step in and solve their problems, except when he tries, they scream racism. Can't lose for winning with them.

Anonymous said...

Ton Ton combined with a goodly measure of voodoo works well. Ask Papa Doc.