Tuesday, July 11, 2023

A leading group in the White Genocide Project can access all of the affirmative action/civil rights/dei benefits that blacks can while performing at much higher levels, and exercise a type of ruthless nepotism and in-group preference that would be illegal for Whites to mimic...

By A Texas Reader
monday, july 10, 2023 at 06:46:55 p.m. edt

The reason? They can access all of the affirmative action/civil rights/DEI benefits that blacks can while performing at much higher levels. They exercise a type of ruthless nepotism and in-group preference that would be illegal for Whites to mimic, and ta...


So, why doesn't John Derbyshire write about these "model immigrants"?

Technically, they are Caucasians.


Anonymous said...

That's too deep for me at this hour.If they can do what the headline indicates and not get caught,then they either know what they're doing or have tacit permission.Not sure if "benefits" means money,but who's going to stop them in this political environment?


Anonymous said...

India indians.Just as racist as the blacks,Mex and Muslims."Whitey,"as one blogger put it,"is stupid--too full of virtue signaling to fight for their own race,but Indians do not have that problem(and neither do blacks or the others.)

I have said it,we are the "weakest,White generation" EVER.


Anonymous said...

"They exercise a type of ruthless nepotism and in-group preference that would be illegal for Whites to mimic"

100 % They prefer and usually mix with and hire only their own kind. Nothing wrong with that per se but the Indian carries it to extreme. From the upper classes in India, Brahmin the priestly class with disdain. for the average American. Keep in mind the Brahmin caste more or less has disdain for everyone not Brahmin. Always have to be the boss.

Anonymous said...

Indians are not just colonizing the places listed in the article, they also are doing it in the Seattle area--especially east of the lake. Microsoft and other companies bring them in and like some types of birds which take over the nests of other birds, once in, Indians discriminate in favor of fellow Indians. Indians almost universally vote for leftist Democrats, they are unfriendly, aggressive, and arrogant--they believe their culture is superior to American culture--they do not want to assimilate, they are creating little Indias. It is a rare Indian who socializes with Americans--at their parties (and they are very big on partying) they only invite other Indians. Washington State used to have enough Republicans to balance out the DemonRats and prevent their craziest schemes. Now thanks to massive immigration of Indians and Chinese into formerly Republican areas, Democrats have a lock politically--hence the highest gas prices in the US and draconian environut policies. As for VDare--I wrote an article for VDare about the Indian colonizing years ago.

Anonymous said...

A great many (dot) Indians work in the tech industry as SW engineers. Many came via H1B.

Salaries are fairly high generally. You can be mediocre and still get hired at high salary b/c that's the way the market is. They pay a market salary. As long as you are not totally incompetent you keep your job. When it is a married couple the money is doubled. Since no matter the income or education level they are usually in arranged marriages, so the parents try to make sure the spouses are at a compatible level. I've been told this. They also network and practice ethnic nepotism.

It has less to do with DEI. Except for maybe SBA loans. That's why so many Indians own small hotels, gas stations, stuff like that. They qualify for cheap SBA loans.

Derbyshire hit his high mark with "the talk" which got him fired from NR. He's been boomer posting since then. Pretty useless actually, except for some esoteric topics.

He's married to a Chinese woman and has mixed race kids. He's not really a white racialist. So he fits in at Vdare. None of them are either. Not officially anyway. Brimelow would probably sue again if you called him that.

Anonymous said...

Derbyshire is utterly vacuous. And recently described as a "genius"- along with the somewhat better but still-not-THAT-great Steve Sailer- by VDare's Peter Brimelow. Vdare means well, but like everything on the "conservative" side, isn't good enough. -RM

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Whitey,"as one blogger put it,"is stupid--too full of virtue signaling to fight for their own race,but Indians do not have that problem(and neither do blacks or the others.)

I have said it,we are the "weakest,White generation" EVER.


The only race on earth that is required to "diversity" is the White one. White are supposed to stand by while we are colonized by non Whites and their culture forced on us. This demand is not being placed on any non White countries. Some might argue it's because we "have more" and are supposed to share but I don't buy that. It's not our responsibility to make their countries better places to live, they need to do that themselves.

Anonymous said...

Exactly,Jerry.We have to give up what we worked to achieve,for over 240 years,so that the types "who kill Uber drivers for fun" can take over.
