Wednesday, July 12, 2023

chipotle's guacamole robot is cursed to peel and core avocados for eternity

By R.C.
wednesday, july 12, 2023 at 11:43:20 p.m. edt

"chipotle's guacamole robot is cursed to peel and core avocados for eternity" | engadget

"chipotle is testing a robot that could help restaurants prep avocados for guacamole.

Should have called it "Juan" or "Hector."


Anonymous said...

When AI takes over,the humongous,overarching system in charge will allow the avacado peeling robot to quit that lowly job and toss back that menial work on whatever humans are still here.People will be the slaves--probably Whites--as blacks would irritate the artificial intelligence beings to no end.

What will be the end of artifical intelligence?When somehow,the machines create--using blacks as a blueprint--"artificial stupidity"--mostly out of sheer boredom.

History will repeat what's happening now--and has always occurred with humans--and the machines will kill each other with the same lunacy that we read about everyday.

Then the two humans left,a man and a woman,can start it all over again.


Anonymous said...

In the year 2525...


Anonymous said...

Automation and robot already for some time replacing menial workers. Gonna much more common. The uneducated person without a skill beware.