Friday, July 14, 2023

Evanston, il begins its descent into its reparations nightmare

war criminals Bennett Johnson and Gerri Sizemore, of the mullatto elite, at Evanston Round Table

[“Evanston, il: submits to congoids.”]

By Jerry PDX
friday, july 14, 2023 at 5:47:00 p.m. edt

These paragraphs in the article jumped out at me:

“resident and civil rights activist Bennett Johnson is incensed over the city’s 1969 cutoff year. He called it ‘totally arbitrary’ despite the city passing a fair-housing law at that time.

“He contends that black residents were still being ‘discriminated’ against and ‘hurt’ after that date, according to the Evanston Round Table and he’s railing that the payments are not high enough.”

I’m telling you right now folks... Doesn’t matter how much they get:…”

N.S.: Meanwhile, the black supremacists’ White “allies” delude themselves that their reparations schemes will only destroy the “Archie Bunkers.”


Anonymous said...

Since Reparations is being forced on us, at least get it right the first time.

1. The funds are paid, lump-sum, to a group of elite. Think blue-ribbon committee with Oprah, Sharpton, Robert Johnson, etc. So if "I didn't get mine", take it up with Oprah.

2. The Oprah Committee is responsible for deciding who's eligible and who's not. Genealogy, DNA, some RGB measure of skin tone, whatever. The Oprah Committee is responsible for collecting info and saying yes / no / you get a 25% share etc. Questions? Talk to the Indian Health Service about their way of deciding who gets service and who doesn't, tribal membership cards, blood quantum, etc. at the check-in desk.

3. The Oprah Committee is responsible for making the payments. Don't offload it to the IRS. There's too much welfare going through the tax "collection" system already. If yours got lost on a Chime card you don't have anymore, if your babydaddy stole your share, don't call the IRS, call Oprah.

4. There is a signed, videoed, receipt that says "PAID IN FULL". The Oprah Committee has to sign a paper while they're standing next to an MLK statue and say it out loud on video, it's PAID IN FULL.

Otherwise we're back here in 20 years to be, um, what's the word? Oh yeah, blackmailed. Blackmailed into another round of Reparations like the first one never happened.

Anonymous said...

“resident and civil rights activist Bennett Johnson is incensed over the city’s 1969 cutoff year"

OH, who could fault the "civil rights activist". Yes indeed, that cut-off date precludes a lot of people from receiving "reparations". Money as given too must be used to make improvements on an existing structure? Must?