Monday, July 10, 2023

"community fridge helping fight food disparity stolen in fort Worth"

By A Texas Reader
monday, july 10, 2023 at 11:12:30 p.m. edt

"community fridge helping fight food disparity stolen in fort Worth"

N.S.: In old-fashioned English, you fought hunger, but now you fight "food disparity," meaning an unwed mother and her kids could be well-fed, yet still suffer a "food disparity," compared to a White family.


Anonymous said...

The refrigerator is to put the ice cream in that the blacks are stealing out of grocery stores.

"You can't steal one thing,without having to steal something else too."

--from the audio book,"black Cop Philosophy(explained) For Dumb Coons"--narrated by 20 black police chiefs.

The last thing black cops want to do is arrest black youths(age 4 to 40).Here in this audio presentation,20 black police chiefs explain in simple terms,how black thugs can live a life of crime without being bothered by police.

Other pieces of advice:

"A silencer is a nig*er's best friend--what no one hears,we don't don't respond to."

"Don't think of us as black cops,think of us as CROOKED black cops."

"black cop's Miranda law is different than Whitey's version:'You have the right to remain silent--and run away from any black cop who attempts to make a collar.We give all arrested black youths(age 4 to 40) a 15 minute head start before we start looking for you--and we only do that for 10 minutes.' "

It's in audio,because we know 80% of you blacks can't read,so listen and learn.

"black Cop Philosophy(explained)For Dumb Coons".

Available now.


Anonymous said...

These are called mini-pantries. I have yet to see one that has a reefer but I guess it can and is done. All canned or boxed goods mostly. But there should NEVER be anyone hungry the USA. Maybe there isn't?

Anonymous said...

Not too many people in the US are hungry. There are plenty of calories available. And if you cannot afford them, the govt will give you food stamps you can use to buy all the calories you need.

Obesity is a bigger problem than hunger.

Anonymous said...

I just paid for my own groceries. I'm suffering from an EBT Disparity.

Anonymous said...

" the govt will give you food stamps you can use to buy all the calories you need."

Lots of calories but generally poor nutrition. And foods often not compatible with the metabolism of negroes and Mex. Trying to feed the whitey man diet to negroes and Mex a bad idea.

All men are created equal not correct.