Mon, Feb 1, 2021 3:57 a.m.
Ted Cruz: President Trump was "Both Reckless and Irresponsible" and Did Not Prove Election Fraud in Any Court (VIDEO)
ATR: Technically, yes, Trump did not “prove” anything.
Because the courts would not hear anything.
All elected officials are both “reckless” and “irresponsible.”
So, Trump is no different than, say, Ted Kennedy or Barney Frank or Nancy Pelosi.
And I am not defending Trump.
I am criticizing Cruz.
Like the worst psychos, Ted Cruz is probably a genius. His resume is dazzling and, in keeping with his lawyerly training, he can smoothly argue any position he chooses. His campaign, rather than grassroots barnstorming, is scientific. He collects data and profiles his fans, then tailors his message and actions to maximize their enthusiasm. Anyone who has seen “Cruzbots” in action knows that they are well-programmed.
Ted must play hardball, must work every possible angle, because he is incredibly unappealing to everyone outside his hardcore base of fans. Let’s face it, the man is not simply homely; he verges on grotesque. He has, perhaps, the most unfortunate face in politics. His voice is a nasally squeak, his hair is a pedophile comb-over and he’s got the physique of a beanie baby. Add to all this that Ted—based on his fan profiling—has gone full televangelist, aided by his nutty buddy Glenn Beck,
N.S.: All we know from the foregong, is that AWD really, really hates Ted Cruz. "His hair is a pedophile comb-over"?! That gave me something between a chuckle and a laugh. That's creative hatred.
"These are the times that try men's souls." This is not the first time that Ted Cruz has betrayed conservatives. Trump won every battleground state by huge margins. The courts refused to hear the evidence. Anyone can watch Steve Bannon's shows, read Peter Navarro's booklets, or go to many other places to see the evidence. The statistical evidence by itself is overwhelming. Although the evidence is that ANTIFA caused any illegal activity at the DC rally, after having their election stolen to impose a leftist dictatorship, the people were well justified in any action to try to restore our freedom. The people were betrayed by the corrupt and cowardly courts (including the Supreme Court), state, and national legislators. Cruz is a liar and self-serving scum. Like so many others, he wants Trump to leave the scene for his own purposes. Now we have a dictator in power who is cancelling laws enacted by Congress and signed into law--with nothing other than his own decree. Freedom is gone. How will we get it back???
Trump was not able to prove fraud because they did not allow him to prove fraud.
Only one way and Whites have,after a mild sightseeing tour of the Capitol--packed in a revolution until something happens(rights removed,genocide) that forces us to rise up.Back to our couches we go.
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