Thursday, February 18, 2021

"Systemic Racism" is a Conspiracy Theory

By An Old Friend
Thu, Feb 11, 2021 6:41 p.m.

"'Systemic Racism' is a Conspiracy Theory"

AOF: Author is black and an associate professor of political science at Kentucky State University.  He has a 2019 book (unseen by me) about hate-crime hoaxes.

N.S.: And he has a book that was published in January, 2020 called Taboo, which praises my work on the Knoxville Horror! 

'Systemic racism' is a conspiracy theory

Racism today plays a marginal role in American life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Systemic racism is a conspiracy theory"--so are blacks who attempt to act anti-black.They are not to be trusted or believed--even as they list numbers,factoids,probabilities or hypotheses.Niche-finders are very good actors,but to be accepted by say,FOX News and even farther right wing media or political groups is a business decision.Who stands out more--a black complaining about Whites,or a black who complains about BLACKS!

Larry Elder has pulled it off for years,while Candace Owens was smart enough to see an opportunity for herself too.The "anti-black, black" may not appear on CNBC or CNN ,but if there is a discussion being conducted about racism on OAN or similar,who you gonna call to take Whitey's side--and as a bonus--is black?

Who ya gonna call?
BLACKBUSTERS--Wilfred Reilly--from a very limited group to choose from.

If Whites are going to fight blacks and what they desire to accomplish--which is not equality, but dominance over Whites and eventually elimination of Whites--they must not be fooled by people like I've mentioned.
Fact one:blacks are devious liars.
Fact two:Every action they take is based on fact number one.