Friday, February 05, 2021

Really Bad Gun Bill Introduced

By A Colleague Fri, Feb 5, 2021 7:03 a.m.

Really Bad Gun Bill Introduced

A.C.: Before our now permanent rulers tire of the game, finally lose all patience, and come around to the genocide option as their way of settling the Deplorables’ hash once and for all, the only course remaining is to disband this failed utopian experiment — not easily done, but technically possible through a constitutional convention, even if the odds are bad — and partition it into new independent countries better suited to their populaces than this communistic and systemically miscegenationist horror show the Left is imposing.

A con-con is not an option. The Evilists have so much power that they'd either thwart such a convention taking place, or turn it into a Death to White America convention.

There is no longer any peaceful way out.

Possibilities for How the "American Experiment" Will End.



Peteforester said...

You're just getting wind of this? It's been out there since the fourth of January, and has been making the rounds on the blogs for at least three weeks.

Anonymous said...

You will need to be found mentally competent to own a firearm. And those that determine your competence will be all leftist/marxist psychiatrists.

Anonymous said...

In your "Possibilities..."post of 2012,just substitute Harris for obama.The only error--you were a decade early.