Friday, February 05, 2021

Killing Comments, and Arresting the Book--Amazon Moves on to the Next Step in the Great Silencing

By Nicholas Stix

A few days ago, I sought to comment on an imbecilic, racist customer book review at Amazon, but I couldn’t. The comment button had been eliminated. And there were no comments.

Thinking perhaps this was an anomaly, I clicked on a recommended book, and found that the comment buttons and all the comments were gone. I rinsed and repeated.

I found a beautiful review of Mister Roberts (1955) from 2011, which in my files had four comments, including one from me praising it as the best Amazon review I’d ever read. All gone.

Amazon has been “disappearing” pro-White books for a few years now, but it now has disappeared a book by an (American-born) East Asian Marxist academic, Catherine Liu. She calls the phenomenon many call “virtue signaling,” or “luxury beliefs” (Rob Henderson) “virtue hoarding.” (Really, it’s not virtue, but evil that is being hoarded.)
Virtue Hoarders: The Case against the Professional Managerial Class

It was released on January 26th, and I sought to order it around 3 a.m., on January 27th, but Amazon already had this sign: “Temporarily out of stock.”

That’s what Amazon does initially with books it wants to kill, before 86ing their entries entirely. Imagine that--the world's biggest book retailer arresting the book?!

Liu is a pro-labor Marxist professor of film and cultural studies. Remember when the term “pro-labor Marxist” was redundant?

In The Accidental Century (1965), socialist Michael Harrington wrote that when the White American working class deserted its “historic role” as the class of revolution, Marxist intellectuals turned on it and became its mortal enemy, and formulated Third Worldism. (I realize that Trotsky had promoted this notion already during the 1930s).

Catherine Liu has apparently nailed the class war element I needed for my own analysis, which I vaguely grasped but couldn’t quite get a handle on. In summary form, her thinking sounds virtually identical to that of Rob Henderson, the difference being that he may be a neocon, while she is a leftist (while both are of East Asian descent).

I suppose if you adopted a genocidal hatred of the working class, you would, by default, support the plutocrats.

I can't remember the last time I ran across a Marxist who was halfway honest and decent, and whose work I could use. Then again, the same is true of "conservative" and Republican writers. (And the leaders of the Dissident Right increasingly hire mediocrities, and snub top researchers.)

I’m guessing that one of Amazon’s apparatchiki saw Liu’s title, immediately assumed she was a “neo-Nazi,” and blocked all sales.

It took some searching, but I found her booklet (at 90 pages, it’s just a monograph) at the University of Minnesota Press, which has jobbed out its sales and fulfillment to the University of Chicago. I ordered it nine days ago, but they’re plenty lazy at Chicago, and took a week just to ship it out. It lists as only $10, but once they tack on shipping ($6!) and tax, it comes to $17 and change.

Here is a long, well-written review essay RCB linked to: “The Dictatorship of Virtue.”

Elites Holding “Luxury Beliefs” to Help Social Status, Tucker Carlson and Rob Henderson Explain
•Jan 27, 2021




Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Amazon appears to have eliminated the reply feature on all comments. I did a spot check throughout and it appears to be across the board. I have no doubt they have erased comments that veer to the right also, I checked my past comments and discovered some have mysteriously disappeared also. I'm not the slightest bit surprised, I was expecting it happen sooner or later. Same pattern everywhere else, first they start posting warnings about your content, then they start disabling various features, then they start banning people, mostly conservative ones then they shut down comments fields altogether. I've no doubt in 5 to 10 years, if not sooner, comment fields in non conservative sites will be gone completely.

It's always kind of funny to encounter the many liberal dims on Fox or Breitbart that can't comprehend the irony that they had to run to conservative comments sites in order to comment freely.

Anonymous said...

Makes sense. If they cannot ban the book they will ban you from buying one. Sure.

Anonymous said...

Nothing from here on out will be a surprise to me--unless the left starts to back White people(lol)--not anticipating that of course.


Anonymous said...

GRA:More silencing--of a senior White guy.Maybe the lawsuit can be settled for much less if Dobbs is muffled.