Friday, October 02, 2020

Was President Trump being Infected with the China Virus the Ultimate “October Surprise”?

By Jerry PDX
Friday, October 2, 2020 at 12:21:00 P.M. EDT

It was stretching the boundaries of belief that this Coronavirus magically appears right at the moment the Fed begins its new financial world order campaign. Now we’re supposed to believe that the most prominent opponent to the hysteria, President Trump, has coincidentally contracted it just weeks before election time.

I previously had sent a link to some history of covert biowarfare which made it crystal clear just how easy it would be to secretly spread any kind of virus. Here it is again:

I think the only question is...Who? No President in modern history has been more polarizing IMHO, and Trump’s list of bitter enemies is long and sordid. Elements within the Demo party? Agents of the Fed itself nudging the Prez to get fully aboard the Covid crazy train? Maybe the Chinese, who would love nothing better than to get a nice pliable President in office, who doesn’t mind bending the American people over for them?


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