Saturday, March 07, 2020

The Newest Democrat Mischief, but to What End? "Democratic Strategist Talks about Biden's Deteriorating Mental Health: 'Clearly Not All There' (VIDEO)"

By R.C.

So, is the DNC creating these talking points about pervy old Joe, in order to lay the groundwork for Hillary redux?


Anonymous said...

Don has challenged Joe to a mental cognition test. Both take the same test and see who is coherent and who is not. And no cheating either.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Followup on the gang of Obama's sons that attacked and stomped a 15 yr. old girl in NY:
Police have charged a whopping "5 suspects"! Yes, calling them suspects despite the fact they were caught in the act on camera. Watching that footage it appears there are a lot more than 5 perps but that's one thing negro's understand about gang attacks, most attackers will not be charged with anything, they will pick out a few of the "worst" but even then only one or a few will be convicted of anything. Remember the Mardi Gras Seattle gang assault on Kris Kime? A gang of negro's beat and stomped a young white man to death for daring to help a white girl they were sexually assaulting openly on the street, yet only one of them was convicted of murder, Jerrell Thomas served a whole 9 yrs. for his role stomping Mr. Kime to death, none of his homies were convicted of anything.
In this case of the NY stomping, media is supplying excuses for the boys by informing us that the attack was in retaliation for a fight the girl had with another girl earlier. Really? Wonder who told them that, the boys themselves? So they needed 30 or so negro males to beat down one girl? Well, I guess that sounds about right with blacks, but I can't believe all those ones that came out of nowhere when they saw the action going on were part of it from the beginning, I think they just saw what was going on and couldn't help their nature. She was lucky it was on a public street, if it had been in an isolated area, she likely would have been raped.
Check out the comments in the Fox article, there's some good ones. My favorite was the one who posted this quote from the article (with heavy sarcasm): "The boys turned themselves in with their parents..."
Yes, exactly, we know whose been teaching them since birth.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama will do her duty and take her place as negro queen of the US.A brokered convention--or some shenanigans-- and the nomination will fall right into her lap.