Saturday, March 07, 2020

Shoplifter Videos from South Texas: Illegal Hispanic Women Steal into Our Country, and then Steal It, “Piece” by “Piece”

By Merlin

Dr Meno

They are wearing booster pants which permits concealment of the stolen items. This is common with the professional thief. - JL

Three security videos attached of three different women shoplifting. Two at a Walmart in South Texas and one at a Dick’s Sporting Goods. All three women are illegals. The rest of the country has no concept what South Texas is going through with the illegals. We’ll just call it “undocumented shopping.”

You may initially think that you know what is coming from the three apprehended shoplifters; however, I think you may be surprised at the numerical count of stolen items from two of them, and the size of the items from the third shoplifter. Thanks to JL for sending me these clips.


Anonymous said...

The value of those firearms stolen has to be quite large. That sorta stuff not cheap. Lots of violations not only for stealing firearms the value thereof but a variety of Federal offenses too. Big time punishment for that wowman.

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of country we're devolving into--and it starts with minorities.Illegal Mex,LEGAL Mex,ILLEGAL blacks--who I describe as those blacks who should
not be on our streets--but need to be locked away in the federal penal system.
But they're not--they're released early and move around our increasingly ghettocized cities committing illegal activity.
Legal blacks are a scant few.
Gun store break-ins occur regularly in
Grand Rapids and the surveillance videos always show 5 or so black teens doing the stealing.Shoplifting by blacks and Mex must be through the stratosphere--both illegal and legal.
It doesn't matter.What's the difference between a legal Mex and a illegal one?
Not a damn thing.