Saturday, March 07, 2020

The Black Super-Predator Gang Attack Heard ‘Round the World (Photos of Attackers, Videos, Articles)

By “W,” A Friend, Jerry PDX, et al.

The first attacker




N.S.: The vic is a 15-year-old black or Hispanic girl. Although her face has been blurred, you can see she has brown hands. Also, she was referred to as a “teen,” a code phrase for black, was wearing Air Jordans, and in a neighborhood with virtually no whites. Last but not least, the MSM would have refused to broadcast a black super-predator mob attack on a white or Asian girl.

The NYPD did not supply the very beginning of the attack.

Note that the initial attackers (not “suspects”) all appear to be 12-15 years old, with many of them running across the street to join in. That used to be called, “wilding,” as in the Central Park Jogger Case, since re-framed as the Central Park Five Hoax. However, the longer the attack went on, the older the attackers and would-be attackers were who ran to join in—some looked to be in their early twenties. Six or seven missed out, though the girl was still laid out on the pavement, unconscious.

One young black man appears to have pulled some attackers away.

Another interesting note: The black attackers’ faces are all left clear; for years, the media policy has been to blur black felons’ faces of all ages. That will yet come to pass in this case.

15-year-old girl attacked, robbed by gang of teen boys in Brooklyn I ABC7

Caught on Camera: Teens Viciously Attack 15-Year-Old Girl in Brooklyn

Teen mob attacks girl on Brooklyn sidewalk for her sneakers, iPhone

Teens beat up 15-year-old girl and steal her Air Jordans in Brooklyn
By Olivia Bensimon
March 6, 2020 | 9:39am | Updated March 6, 2020 4:40 p.m.
New York Post

A group of teenagers beat up a 15-year-old girl and stole her Air Jordan sneakers during a robbery in Brooklyn, surveillance footage released by cops on Friday shows.

The teenager was walking on Utica Avenue near Sterling Place in Crown Heights at 4:10 p.m. Thursday when she was spotted by the dozen youths, cops said.

When she reached the corner, the gang lunged at her and punched and kicked her repeatedly, the video shows.

The clip begins with the victim already on the ground, one of the boys kicking her in the chest and face. A second later, more kids run across the street and continue to beat her up, with one kid leaping onto her and then kicking her in the head, the footage shows.

The appalling 20-second beatdown ends with one kid yanking the victim’s black and white Air Jordan 1s from her feet and leaving her limp on the ground, the footage shows. They also took her cellphone and debit card before running away in several directions, police said.

She was taken to NYC Health & Hospitals/Kings County to be treated for bruising and head trauma, cops said. It was unclear what provoked [?!] the attack.

Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).

Jerry PDX
Friday, March 6, 2020 at 1:18:00 P.M. EST

A pack of Obama’s sons in NY surround a teenage girl, beat her and steal her Air Jordan’s & phone. Her face is blacked out so you can’t see what her race is but there’s no doubt about the race of her attackers. It’s the usual suspects:

Note the tortured, hand-wringing public comments, while carefully not mentioning race, from the usual sniveling PR sock puppets.

Jerry PDX
Friday, March 6, 2020 at 3:35:00 P.M. EST

Not sure if the video is working on the article I sent about the 15-year-old girl being attacked by a gang of “teens,” here is a YouTube video that works. Unfortunately, still can’t find one that shows her face:


David In TN said...

Per a NY Daily News article the victim is related to one Tony Herbert, a "community activist."

Herbert called it "random." What else? He denied reports it was "provoked," saying his family wasn't involved in "negativity." Herbert's wife is supposedly a cousin of the victim.

Anonymous said...

Kicks and blows like that is the use of lethal force, especially in circumstances of a mob attack.

That is the type of swarming attack as you would see from wild African dogs or hyena taking down and killing prey. But then the colored do come from Africa, don't they!

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Spike Lee is "threatening" to boycott the New York Knicks basketball team for the rest of the year (why not for life Spike?) because they refused to let him use the employee elevator. He'd used if before so why not let him use it forever? This is like the Oprah rich negro entitlement syndrome when she had a fit because some upscale retail store wouldn't let her shop after hours. Those rich negro's have to find some kind of oppression somewhere. Personally, I don't see how how Spike boycotting the Knicks is some kind of threat, now we won't see him in his clown outfits on the sidelines when sports news comes on and the less exposure he gets with his race baiting BS, the better. Sounds like a win win for everybody.

Anonymous said...

"Super predators"? Naw--just TEENS in their natural habitat behaving in their normal manner. By now, when you see a headline like this, everyone knows it will turn out to be TEENS. Too bad we can't transport them all to Africa. Tourist safaris could view them from armored vehicles.

LBD said...

I really don’t care. They are attacking their own, it’s none of my concern. If they don’t care about one another, why should I?

Anonymous said...

Heres the truth in raw clear words:


The left globalists (aka DNC) with their  political correctness dont want to speak about the extremely high black and muslim criminal rates!

If you speak out, your a racist...

P.S. Major Bloomberg was absolutely right, with his "throw them to the wall" remarcs...