Monday, March 23, 2020

New York Authorities Exposed Populace

By "W"

So did the Italians:


Anonymous said...

Jesus--Trump was just doing the 6pm update--and he sounds TERRIBLE.Alfred Hitchcock and Raymond Burr didn't inhale as heavily as Trump--voice raspy,congested.No coughing though.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to think that stupidity is exclusive to foreigners like the Chinese officials who covered up the existence of the virus and held a record-breaking feast and then allowed travel over the Chinese New Year or the Italians who wouldn't ban travel from China and promoted hugging a Chinese. But unfortunately we have the incompetent power-hungry bureaucrats at the CDC and FDA who refused to let people get tested with any test but their own--which were flawed and still not available to everyone who needs testing. And they had absurd requirements to qualify for testing. But now we have New York health officials who put political correctness over the health of New Yorker. Stupidity--it is a worldwide fad.