Sunday, March 08, 2020

Mom on Her Teen Congoid Mobster (Brooklyn 15-on-1 Black Gang Attack on One Girl)

By "W"
Sun, Mar 8, 2020 3:42 a.m.

At the Post.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Sure mom, but what kind of words would be coming out of your mouth if the victim had been white and your son not been caught red handed on video? Let's see...Does "he dindu nuffins" sound about right?
BTW Where's pops (the stir?) in all this?

Anonymous said...

GRA:Though Associated Press doesn't say it--you can assume which ethnicity made up the "unruly crowds"
WARREN, Mich. (AP) — Police ordered an Art Van Furniture store in suburban Detroit to close early Saturday because of unruly crowds, the city’s mayor said.

Police ordered the store on 14 Mile Road to close at 4 p.m., Warren Mayor Jim Fouts said.

The Warren-based company announced Thursday that it is closing all of its approximately 190 locations and running liquidation sales.

“It’s too dangerous. … We are shutting them down at 4 o’clock,” Fouts told the Detroit Free Press. “We could come close to a riot. I’ve never seen anything this bad.”

There were traffic jams to get into the store and fights were breaking out, Fouts said. The store also has only two security guards, he said.

The company also is having trouble getting employees to come into work, Fouts said.

“Employees are extremely mad and upset, and customers are extremely mad and upset,” Fouts said.

Liquidation sales began Friday at all Art Van Furniture, Art Van PureSleep and Scott Shuptrine Interiors in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and Missouri.

Anonymous said...

“I’m angry and very disappointed in him. I did not teach him to act like an animal in the street,”

Whether or not she taught him to be an animal he is one now.

Anonymous said...

Every time I see this headline I read "Congoid MONSTER"--and have to look twice to see that the word used was "mobster." I think "MONSTER" is better.