Sunday, March 15, 2020

German Government Supporting Antifa?

Sun, Mar 15, 2020 3:13 a.m.
German Government Supporting Antifa?

Here is some evidence that the German government is funding Antifa: a 5-minute video from the RAIR Foundation:
Also available on (which is where I saw it) but it will be farther and farther from the top as time goes on and new material is added.
This would explain why the authorities in Germany and elsewhere (e.g., Portland, OR) where Antifa is no doubt also funded in some hidden way are so lax in cracking down on Antifa violence.




Anonymous said...

I've often said on here that Germany appears to be in cahoots with the Muslims--to overspread the Islamic religion throughout western civilization--a latter day version of Nazism.The best of both worlds:intolerance for the West,plus intolerance for any other religion--with terrorism thrown in.Quite an alliance.
Why else would Merkel allow the avalanche of towelheads into her country,while attempting to force/influence other EU members to do the same.At the end of the day,Merkel figures that a Germany/Islam axis can control the world.
Give Merkel a Hitler mustache,a Bin Laden beard,a turban and a swastika,to get the full effect.

Anonymous said...

Lax is an understatement. Cops stand by while citizens beaten by thugs. Not in the legal sense aiding and abetting. But passivity is tacit approval.