Thursday, March 05, 2020

Will Dems Support Border Control Now? 328 Chinese Caught Illegally Entering America

By R.C.
Thu, Mar 5, 2020 8:51 p.m.

"Will Dems Support Border Control Now? 328 Chinese Caught Illegally Entering America."

Homeland Security data shows 328 Chinese immigrants have been caught illegally entering America's southern border since the start of 2020. This is an alarming statistic for many Americans due to the fact that China has seen 80,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 2,902 deaths so far, according to John Hopkins.. Speaking to The Washington Times, a Homeland Security spokesperson said, "The ...


Anonymous said...

20,999,672 more and they'll be even with the spics.How many have of the illegals have the China virus,by the way?

Anonymous said...

Hey! Don't the Chinese have such a booming economy, so much money, plenty of jobs, etc. Why are they coming here? Not even considering the virus.