Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Free Murders! Come and Get Your Free Murders! Judge Rules Both Black Teens Who Murdered Old White Man at Frederick Fair to be Tried as Juveniles

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Wed, Mar 4, 2020 9:50 p.m.

"Judge Rules Both Teens Charged with Deadly Frederick Fair Attack to be Tried as Juveniles."


Anonymous said...

As I mentioned with the Tessa Majors' case,these thugs are early on-set sociopaths--unredeemable most likely--like the three that stabbed Miss Majors.These 3 may be even farther along than the other group in NY.

Anonymous said...

This is the type of story you wish you did not have to read. That judge needs to be impeached and removed from office pronto [I know that will not happen but it should]. These are two bad guys [the killers] who did what they did in a quite unprovoked and premeditated manner. Even spit on the body of the dead man. And they had a close hearing or waiver or whatever it is called protects the "kids". Young thugs that now have a much desirable "hood" street cred as killers.