Wednesday, March 04, 2020

CBS Tries to Make Super Tuesday Exciting—Fails

Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 8:23:00 p.m. EST

GRA: Norah O’Donnell opened up the Super Tuesday coverage tonight with the statement: “Welcome to Super Tuesday—the political version of Survivor” (trying to get the demographic group that likes that show interested?).

First, Survivor is boring—I haven’t watched it since the first season.

Second, these networks can compare the Democratic drudgery, that is their primary season, to a roller coaster ride, an exciting movie or anything else they want, but this is the least interesting bunch of candidates in years—maybe back to Dukakis.

Nothing, that the writers scribble for these anchors, can change that unavoidable fact.

N.S. As uninteresting as the candidates are on their own terms—e.g., does anyone know what Pete Butt stood for, outside of sucking up to racist blacks?—the primaries are naturally full of drama, just as sports playoffs are.

Just as every team has personal stories, e.g., a player who is playing in his last season without ever having won a championship, or is going up against the team that cut him loose after years of starring for it, each candidate has his stories.

With Bernie, Biden, Bloomberg and Fauxcahontas, it’s age.

And why did Bernie flee Brooklyn in 1968?

Bloomberg had a great chance to run and win in 2008, but he held back for “Obama’s” sake, and it cost him everything.

Pete Butt is a man of secrets. What did he do with McKinsey? The CIA?

What about Fauxcahontas’ affirmative action scam?

Anyone remember Joe Biden’s plagiarism scandal from 1988?

These “journalists” are all interested in any and every scandal, real or imagined, involving Donald Trump. If the alleged journalists covering the primaries weren’t Communist, er, Democrat hacks, they’d have been turning over rocks.

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