Friday, January 03, 2020

Two Weeks Ago, a White Alabama Woman Left a Bar with Two Black Men, then Texted that She was in Trouble; Her Corpse was Just Found in a Shallow Grave

Fri, Jan 3, 2020 6:11 p.m.

Body is found in shallow grave at an abandoned Alabama home during search for woman, 29, who vanished two weeks ago after leaving a bar with two "heavy-set black men" and sending a text hours later saying "I feel in trouble"

R.C.: White women are stupid.

I used to see them getting hit on all the time by Negro males back in the days when I used to frequent local watering holes.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
In going through the comments in the Foxnews story, a number of people are claiming the text message about her leaving with 2 black men is false. It is being stated that cameras outside the bar show her leaving alone and that a white co worker of hers is wanted for questioning. I have no idea the truth of any of this but will withhold judgment until more information is forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Yet another hate crime in the progressive paradise of Portland OR, except this one has an interesting twist to it. The perp was a black woman, Jasmine Campbell, who approached a Muslim woman from behind, at a bus stop, and forcibly removed her hijab, she then attempted to choke the Muslim woman and then "rubbed it (the hijab) across multiple exposed sexually intimate parts of her body," court records say.

So a black lesbian with a fetish for the hijab is also a hate crime perpetrator? Who could resist such a lurid headline? You'd think it would set the national media aflame but an online search revealed only one media outlet outside of local coverage reporting this story. This one:
Yup, a British news outlet but not a mention from any US news services outside of Portland. The British outlet even published the Ms. Campbell's picture, while the Willamette Week did not. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that when the national papers saw the picture of Ms. Campbell and that she was black they decided it didn't fit the liberal narrative so passed on the story. The liberal media loves nothing better than the fantasy that negro's, Muslims & Jews are all allied together to fight the white man, anything that contradicts that nonsense is held at arms length.

I can hear the crazy card being played already for Ms. Campbell, but judging from the photo of Ms. Campbell, this one might be legit.

eahilf said...

R.C.: White women are stupid.

That was certainly one of my first thoughts when I saw the story of her disappearance where it was mentioned she was seen on video leaving a bar with two "heavyset black males" -- ? -- I will follow the case to see how it develops.

... a white co worker of hers is wanted for questioning.

I know for certain that Blacks spread these kinds of stories when it appears a Black is a prime suspect -- it's not clear how a co-worker would have known to bury her at that particular (fairly recently) abandoned house -- ? -- who lived in that house previously? -- I assume whoever buried her there has some connection to or knowledge of the house, otherwise they would not have known it was unoccupied.