Thursday, January 16, 2020

Bank Whistleblower: "'World Economy Would Collapse’ If City of London Stopped Laundering Money

By R.C.
Thu, Jan 16, 2020 9:30 a.m.
"'World Economy Would Collapse' If City of London Stopped Laundering Money

N.S.: "Money-Launderer to the World," "My Beautiful Laundrette," for short.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
You mean the world financial system is a big house of cards? Knock me over with a feather! Seriously, how different is what the Brits are doing than the US banks? The Fed with it's creation of fiat money to keep the markets propped up? Any modern financial system is devised to create speculative wealth so a few can get filthy rich without producing a damn thing of any tangible value. The most evil result of pumping the world economy up with funny money is the need for warm bodies to use that money, so they mass import turd worlders into the 1st for labor, housing needs, more consumers and a broader tax (and Demo voting) base (and more government infrastructure). I could maybe live with the inevitable collapse of speculative wealth economy because life will go on regardless but I can't live with being surrounded by Muslims and negro's brought in to work, and who no longer have that work. None of those ultra rich bastards give a damn about that, they'll still be rich and be living in their gated compounds surrounded by armed security.

Anonymous said...

That,Jerry PDX,is the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I'll add,that being a very suspicious person about these things,the globalists--who are the dealers who built this house of cards--since 2008--are ready to destroy the deck,possibly to make Trump unelectable,with a market crash this year--or whenever.They are bankers,billionaires and corrupt politicos waiting to cause the most damage on the world.Sociopathic fu*ks that make their money on the misery of others.
As far as the Trump impeachment goes,two points:
1)Trump hired McConnells wife--Elaine Cho--for this event only--right?
2)What will Trump owe these slimeballs after allowing him to be acquitted?
The MSM was blaring out plenty of "late breaking damning evidence against Trump."
So and so(Giuliani's assistant)said Trump knew everything,
The GAO said,"Trump holding out on payments to the Ukraine was illegal."
Finally,an ambassador--fired by Trump--was supposedly tailed by "someone",which the Ukraine is investigating as illegal.
Yet to come out,invented stories of a gang rape by Trump,Giuliani and Bill Barr of this female--similar to the Cavanaugh hearing.We haven't heard it yet,though I'm sure it's not for lack of trying.
MSM is absolutely drooling over the Senate trial.To me--it's a nothingburger.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Clinton avoided impeachment by signing over a huge wad of money to the military which appeased the Republicans. I've been watching for some kind of transfer of wealth to the Demo side signed off by Trump, however, I'm not certain if Trump will have to do it, he's got a Republican Senate and already has the military industrial complex plus the energy & resource extraction industry on his side. Also McConnell doesn't want to alienate his pro Trump Kentucky voting base by being seen as the majority leader that impeached him. I dunno, maybe the Demos that hate Trump so virulently can engineer that market crash and somehow still somehow push this through but I'm crossing my fingers hoping not.

Anonymous said...

GRA:I posted about that MSM late day deluge at 1:38am--today,Bannon accused the same unscrupulous media,that I mentioned,of collusion.
(ZEROHEDGE)"We Need A Full Investigation": Bannon Accuses Pelosi, Schiff And MSM Of Colluding On 11th Hour Impeachment Bombshells

Fri, 01/17/2020 - 12:35

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has called for a full investigation into coordination between Congressional Democrats and members of the media, after articles of impeachment against President Trump appear to have been deliberately 'slow walked' in order to coincide with two 'bombshell' developments in the Ukraine story.

"Why did they time this? Why did they wait?" asked Fox Business host Trish Regan.

"First off, Rachel Maddow should be a witness of fact now. She should be brought in," replied Bannon - referring to the seemingly coordinated media blitz surrounding Lev Parnas, an indicted former Rudy Guiliani associate whose undated, hand-written notes appear to support the claim that President Trump pressured Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden for corruption.
"We ought to have all the emails and all the text messages between Schiff, between Nancy Pelosi, Phil Griffin at MSNBC News. We ought to bring the whole thing out. How did this get dropped? Why have they been working on this for so long? How did this just come about at the last second? She admitted she's been working on this for months, and the House just got this. The Republicans didn't even see this when the vote when down," said Bannon, adding "This is now a complete farce."

"I think there was collusion between MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Lev Parnas's attorneys, and the entire process." -Steve Bannon

"So why did this not come forward earlier?" asks Regan.

"You know why, because they wanted to drop their "big reveal," this was going be such a big bombshell. This is all total hearsay from a guy trying to talk his way into a lesser sentence because he's already indicted. It's so obvious what he's trying to do."

Adding to the collusion / 'slow walk' theory is the completion of a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) requested by Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen, which found that President Trump's pause of US aid to Ukraine violated the law. Of note, virtually every previous administration has received a similar nastygram from the GAO - just not the day after directly related impeachment articles were delivered to the Senate ahead of a trial.